Onset (noun)
A rushing or setting upon; an attack; an assault; a storming; especially, the assault of an army.
Onset (noun)
The initial phase of a disease or condition, in which symptoms first become apparent.
“the onset of schizophrenia”
Onset (noun)
The initial portion of a syllable, preceding the syllable nucleus.
Onset (noun)
The beginning of a musical note or other sound, in which the amplitude rises from zero to an initial peak.
Onset (noun)
A setting about; a beginning.
“the onset of puberty”
Onset (noun)
Anything set on, or added, as an ornament or as a useful appendage.
Onset (verb)
To assault; to set upon.
Onset (verb)
To set about; to begin.
Outset (noun)
the beginning or initial stage of something
“He agreed and understood from the outset, so don’t bother explaining again.”
Outset (verb)
To cause (a design element) to extend around the outside of something else, the opposite of being inset.
Onset (noun)
the beginning of something, especially something unpleasant
“the onset of winter”
“early-onset Alzheimer’s disease”
Onset (noun)
a military attack.
Outset (noun)
the start or beginning of something
“the project was flawed from the outset”