Only vs. Just

By Jaxson

  • Only (adjective)

    Alone in a category.

    “He is the only doctor for miles.”

    “The only people in the stadium were the fans: no players, coaches, or officials.”

    “That was the only time I went to Turkey.”

  • Only (adjective)

    Singularly superior; the best.

  • Only (adjective)

    Without sibling; without a sibling of the same gender.

    “He is their only son, in fact, an only child.”

  • Only (adjective)


  • Only (adverb)

    Without others or anything further; exclusively.

    “My heart is hers, and hers only.”

    “The cat sat only on the mat. It kept off the sofa.”

  • Only (adverb)

    No more than; just.

    “The cat only sat on the mat. It didn’t scratch it.”

    “If there were only one more ticket!”

  • Only (adverb)

    As recently as.

    “He left only moments ago.”

  • Only (adverb)

    Used to express surprise or consternation at an action.

    “She’s only gone and run off with the milkman!”

  • Only (adverb)

    Introduces a disappointing or surprising outcome that renders futile something previously mentioned. See also only to, only for.

    “They rallied from a three-goal deficit only to lose in the final two minutes of play.”

    “I helped him out only for him to betray me.””

  • Only (adverb)

    Above all others; particularly.

  • Only (conjunction)

    Under the condition that; but.

    “You’re welcome to borrow my bicycle, only please take care of it.”

  • Only (conjunction)

    But; except.

    “I would enjoy running, only I have this broken leg.”

  • Only (noun)

    An only child.

  • Just (adjective)

    Factually right, correct; factual.

    “It is a just assessment of the facts.”

  • Just (adjective)

    Rationally right, correct.

  • Just (adjective)

    Morally fair.

    “It looks like a just solution at first glance.”

  • Just (adjective)

    Proper, adequate.

  • Just (adverb)

    Only, simply, merely.

    “Plant just a few tomatoes, unless you can freeze or dry them.”

    “He calls it vermilion, but it’s just red to me.”

  • Just (adverb)

    Used to reduce the force of an imperative; simply.

    “Just follow the directions on the box.”

  • Just (adverb)

    Used to convey a less serious or formal tone

    “I just called to say “hi”.”

  • Just (adverb)

    Used to show humility.

    “Lord, we just want to thank You and praise Your Name.”

  • Just (adverb)

    absolutely, positively

    “It is just splendid!”

  • Just (adverb)

    Moments ago, recently.

    “They just left, but you may leave a message at the desk.”

  • Just (adverb)

    By a narrow margin; closely; nearly.

    “The fastball just missed my head!”

    “The piece just might fit.”

  • Just (adverb)

    Exactly, precisely, perfectly.

    “He wants everything just right for the big day.”

  • Just (interjection)

    Expressing dismay or discontent.

  • Just (noun)

    A joust, tournament.

  • Just (verb)

    To joust, fight a tournament.


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