National vs. International

By Jaxson

  • International

    International mostly means something (a company, language, or organization) involving more than a single country. The term international as a word means involvement of, interaction between or encompassing more than one nation, or generally beyond national boundaries. For example, international law, which is applied by more than one country and usually everywhere on Earth, and international language which is a language spoken by residents of more than one country.

  • National (adjective)

    Of or having to do with a nation.

  • National (adjective)

    Of or having to do with a country (sovereign state).

    “Import tariffs were raised for the national interest.”

  • National (noun)

    A subject of a nation.

    “The diplomats were advised not to interact with any foreign nationals except on official duty.”

  • National (noun)

    A tournament in which participants from all over the nation compete.

    “After winning the regional tournament, the team advanced to the nationals.”

  • International (adjective)

    Of or having to do with more than one nation.

  • International (adjective)

    Between or among nations

    “an international discussion”

  • International (adjective)

    participated in by two or more nations

    “an international competition”

  • International (adjective)

    common to, or affecting, two or more nations.

    “an international rule”

  • International (adjective)

    serving two or more nations

    “an international airport””

  • International (adjective)

    Of or concerning the association called the International.

  • International (adjective)

    Independent of national boundaries; common to all people.

    “The atmosphere is an international resource.”

    “the international community of scholars”

  • International (adjective)

    Foreign; of another nation.

    “an international student”

  • International (noun)

    Someone who has represented their country in a particularly sport.

    “The United team includes five England internationals.”

  • International (noun)

    A game or contest between two or more nations.


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