Luxury vs. Opulent

By Jaxson

  • Luxury (noun)

    Very wealthy and comfortable surroundings.

  • Luxury (noun)

    Something desirable but expensive.

  • Luxury (noun)

    Something very pleasant but not really needed in life.

  • Luxury (adjective)

    very expensive

  • Luxury (adjective)

    not essential but desirable and enjoyable and indulgent.

  • Luxury (adjective)

    Pertaining to the top-end market segment for mass production mass market vehicles, above the premium market segment.

  • Opulent (adjective)

    Luxuriant, and ostentatiously magnificent.

  • Opulent (adjective)

    Rich, sumptuous and extravagant.

  • Luxury (noun)

    a state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense

    “he lived a life of luxury”

  • Luxury (noun)

    an inessential, desirable item which is expensive or difficult to obtain

    “luxuries like chocolate, scent, and fizzy wine”

  • Luxury (noun)

    a pleasure obtained only rarely

    “they actually had the luxury of a whole day together”

  • Luxury (adjective)

    luxurious or of the nature of a luxury

    “a luxury yacht”

    “luxury goods”

  • Opulent (adjective)

    ostentatiously costly and luxurious

    “the opulent comfort of a limousine”

  • Opulent (adjective)


    “his more opulent tenants”

Oxford Dictionary

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