Main Difference
The main difference between Judge and Prosecutor is that the Judge is a official who presides over court proceedings and Prosecutor is a supreme representative of the prosecution (of the state)
A judge is a person who presides over court proceedings, either alone or as a part of a panel of judges. The powers, functions, method of appointment, discipline, and training of judges vary widely across different jurisdictions. The judge is supposed to conduct the trial impartially and, typically, in an open court. The judge hears all the witnesses and any other evidence presented by the barristers of the case, assesses the credibility and arguments of the parties, and then issues a ruling on the matter at hand based on his or her interpretation of the law and his or her own personal judgment. In some jurisdictions, the judge’s powers may be shared with a jury. In inquisitorial systems of criminal investigation, a judge might also be an examining magistrate.
The prosecutor is the chief legal representative of the prosecution in countries with either the common law adversarial system, or the civil law inquisitorial system. The prosecution is the legal party responsible for presenting the case in a criminal trial against an individual accused of breaking the law. Typically, the prosecutor represents the government in the case brought against the accused person.
Judge (noun)
A public official whose duty it is to administer the law, especially by presiding over trials and rendering judgments; a justice.
Judge (noun)
A person who decides the fate of someone or something that has been called into question.
Judge (noun)
A person officiating at a sports event or similar.
“At a boxing match, the decision of the judges is final.”
Judge (noun)
A person who evaluates something or forms an opinion.
“She is a good judge of wine.”
“They say he is a poor judge of character considering all the unreliable friends he has made.”
Judge (verb)
To sit in judgment on; to pass sentence on.
“A higher power will judge you after you are dead.”
Judge (verb)
To sit in judgment, to act as judge.
“Justices in this country judge without appeal.”
Judge (verb)
To form an opinion on.
“I judge a man’s character by the cut of his suit.”
Judge (verb)
To arbitrate; to pass opinion on something, especially to settle a dispute etc.
“We cannot both be right: you must judge between us.”
Judge (verb)
To have as an opinion; to consider, suppose.
“I judge it safe to leave the house once again.”
Judge (verb)
To form an opinion; to infer.
“I judge from the sky that it might rain later.”
Judge (verb)
To criticize or label another person or thing.
Prosecutor (noun)
a prosecuting attorney.
“Annie Jay was the Wisconsin government prosecutor in the trial of a man for forging his client’s signature.”
Prosecutor (noun)
a person, as a complainant, victim, or chief witness, who institutes prosecution in a criminal proceeding.
“The prosecutor got the witness to admit he was lying.”