Main Difference
The main difference between Individual and Person is that the Individual is a person or a specific object and Person is a being that has certain capacities or attributes constituting personhood (avoid use with P31; use Q5 for humans).
An individual is that which exists as a distinct entity. Individuality (or self-hood) is the state or quality of being an individual; particularly of being a person separate from other people and possessing their own needs or goals, rights and responsibilities. The exact definition of an individual is important in the fields of biology, law, and philosophy.
From the 15th century and earlier (and also today within the fields of statistics and metaphysics) individual meant “indivisible”, typically describing any numerically singular thing, but sometimes meaning “a person”. From the 17th century on, individual indicates separateness, as in individualism.Although individuality and individualism are commonly considered to mature with age/time and experience/wealth, a sane adult human being is usually considered by the state as an “individual person” in law, even if the person denies individual culpability (“I followed instructions”). An individual person is accountable for their actions/decisions/instructions, subject to prosecution in both national and international law, from the time that they have reached age of majority, often though not always more or less coinciding with the granting of voting rights, tax and military duties/ individual right to bear arms (protected only under certain constitutions). In line with hierarchy, ultimate individual human reward for success and responsibility for failure is nonetheless found at the top of human society
A person is a being that has certain capacities or attributes such as reason, morality, consciousness or self-consciousness, and being a part of a culturally established form of social relations such as kinship, ownership of property, or legal responsibility. The defining features of personhood and consequently what makes a person count as a person differ widely among cultures and contexts.
In addition to the question of personhood, of what makes a being count as a person to begin with, there are further questions about personal identity and self: both about what makes any particular person that particular person instead of another, and about what makes a person at one time the same person as they were or will be at another time despite any intervening changes.
The common plural of “person”, “people”, is often used to refer to an entire nation or ethnic group (as in “a people”). The plural “persons” is often used in philosophical and legal writing.
Individual (noun)
A person considered alone, rather than as belonging to a group of people.
“He is an unusual individual.”
Individual (noun)
A single physical human being as a legal subject, as opposed to a legal person such as a corporation.
Individual (noun)
An object, be it a thing or an agent, as contrasted to a class.
Individual (noun)
An element belonging to a population.
Individual (adjective)
Relating to a single person or thing as opposed to more than one.
“As we can’t print them all together, the individual pages will have to be printed one by one.”
Individual (adjective)
Intended for a single person as opposed to more than one person.
“individual personal pension; individual cream cakes”
Individual (adjective)
Not divisible without losing its identity.
Person (noun)
An individual; usually a human being. from 13th c.
“Each person is unique, both mentally and physically.”
Person (noun)
A character or part, as in a play; a specific kind or manifestation of individual character, whether in real life, or in literary or dramatic representation; an assumed character.
Person (noun)
Any one of the three hypostases of the Holy Trinity: the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit.
Person (noun)
Any sentient or socially intelligent being.
Person (noun)
The physical body of a being seen as distinct from the mind, character, etc. from 14th c.
Person (noun)
Any individual or formal organization with standing before the courts. from 14th c.
“At common law a corporation or a trust is legally a person.”
Person (noun)
The human genitalia; specifically, the penis.
Person (noun)
A linguistic category used to distinguish between the speaker of an utterance and those to whom or about whom he is speaking. See grammatical person. from 14th c.
Person (noun)
A shoot or bud of a plant; a polyp or zooid of the compound Hydrozoa, Anthozoa, etc.; also, an individual, in the narrowest sense, among the higher animals.
Person (verb)
To represent as a person; to personify; to impersonate.
Person (verb)
To man.
Individual (adjective)
single; separate
“individual tiny flowers”
Individual (adjective)
of or for a particular person
“the individual needs of the children”
Individual (adjective)
designed for use by one person
“a casserole served in individual portions”
Individual (adjective)
characteristic of a particular person or thing
“she was surprised at how individual the others’ bodies were”
Individual (adjective)
having a striking or unusual character; original
“she creates her own, highly individual landscapes”
Individual (noun)
a single human being as distinct from a group
“boat trips for parties and individuals”
Individual (noun)
a single member of a class
“they live in a group or as individuals, depending on the species”
Individual (noun)
a person of a specified kind
“the most selfish, egotistical individual I have ever met”
Individual (noun)
a distinctive or original person.