Impression (noun)
The indentation or depression made by the pressure of one object on or into another.
“His head made an impression on the pillow.”
Impression (noun)
The overall effect of something, e.g., on a person.
“What is your impression of Beatles’ music?”
Impression (noun)
A vague recalling of an event, a belief.
“I have the impression that he’s already left for Paris.”
Impression (noun)
An impersonation, an imitation of the mannerisms of another individual.
Impression (noun)
An outward appearance.
Impression (noun)
An online advertising performance metric representing an instance where an ad. is shown once.
Impression (noun)
The first coat of colour, such as the priming in house-painting etc.
Impression (noun)
A print on paper from a wood block, metal plate, etc.
Impression (noun)
The vivid perception of something as it is experienced, in contrast to ideas or thoughts drawn from memory or the imagination.
Expression (noun)
The action of expressing thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc.
Expression (noun)
A particular way of phrasing an idea.
Expression (noun)
A colloquialism or idiom.
“The expression “break a leg!” should not be taken literally.”
Expression (noun)
A facial appearance usually associated with an emotion.
“They stared at the newcomer with a puzzled expression.”
“The best poker players can tell if the opponents have a good hand by looking at their expression.”
“Her expression changed from joy to misery after realising her winning lottery ticket had expired.”
Expression (noun)
An arrangement of symbols denoting values, operations performed on them, and grouping symbols.
Expression (noun)
The process of translating a gene into a protein.
Expression (noun)
A piece of code in a high-level language that returns a value.
Expression (noun)
A specific blend of whisky.
Expression (noun)
The act of pressing or squeezing out.
“expression from a gland”
“the expression of milk from the mammaries”
Expression (noun)
The tone of voice or sound in music.
Impression (noun)
an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence
“his first impressions of Manchester were very positive”
“I got the impression that he was sorely disappointed”
Impression (noun)
an effect produced on someone
“her courtesy had made a good impression”
Impression (noun)
a difference made by the action or presence of someone or something
“the floor was too dirty for the mop to make much impression”
Impression (noun)
an imitation of a person or thing, done to entertain
“he did an impression of Shirley Bassey”
Impression (noun)
a graphic or pictorial representation of someone or something
“police issued an artist’s impression of the attacker”
Impression (noun)
a mark impressed on a surface
“the impression of his body on the leaves”
Impression (noun)
a negative copy of the teeth or mouth made by pressing them into a soft substance.
Impression (noun)
the printing of a number of copies of a book, periodical, or picture for issue at one time.
Impression (noun)
a particular printed version of a book, especially one reprinted from existing type, plates, or film with no or only minor alteration
“a copy of the first impression”
Impression (noun)
a print taken from an engraving.
Impression (noun)
an instance of a pop-up or other online advertisement being seen on an Internet user’s monitor.
Expression (noun)
the action of making known one’s thoughts or feelings
“she accepted his expressions of sympathy”
“the prisoners developed a dialect as an everyday means of expression”
Expression (noun)
the conveying of feeling in a work of art or in the performance of a piece of music
“the testimony of musicians who worked with him proves that his overwhelming concern was with expression”
Expression (noun)
a look on someone’s face that conveys a particular emotion
“a sad expression”
Expression (noun)
a word or phrase, especially an idiomatic one, used to convey an idea
“we have an expression, ‘You don’t get owt for nowt.’”
Expression (noun)
a collection of symbols that jointly express a quantity
“the expression for the circumference of a circle is 2πr”
Expression (noun)
the production of something by pressing it out
“essential oils obtained by distillation or expression”
Expression (noun)
the appearance in a phenotype of a characteristic or effect attributed to a particular gene
“expression of the TAT gene is restricted to the parenchymal cells”