A pig is any of the animals in the genus Sus, within the even-toed ungulate family Suidae. Pigs include the domestic pig and its ancestor, the common Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa), along with other species. Related creatures outside the genus include the peccary, the babirusa, and the warthog. Pigs, like all suids, are native to the Eurasian and African continents. Juvenile pigs are known as piglets. Pigs are highly social and intelligent animals.With around 1 billion individuals alive at any time, the domestic pig is among the most populous large mammals in the world. Pigs are omnivores and can consume a wide range of food. Pigs are biologically similar to humans and are thus frequently used for human medical research.
Hog (noun)
Any animal belonging to the Suidae family of mammals, especially the pig, the warthog, and the boar.
Hog (noun)
An adult swine contrasted with a pig, a young swine.
Hog (noun)
A greedy person; one who refuses to share.
Hog (noun)
A large motorcycle, particularly a Harley-Davidson.
Hog (noun)
A young shorn.
Hog (noun)
A rough, flat scrubbing broom for scrubbing a ship’s bottom under water.
Hog (noun)
A device for mixing and stirring the pulp from which paper is made.
Hog (noun)
A shilling coin; its value, 12 old pence.
Hog (noun)
A tanner, a sixpence coin; its value.
Hog (noun)
A half-crown coin; its value, 30 old pence.
Hog (noun)
A quahog clam
Hog (verb)
To greedily take more than one’s share, to take precedence at the expense of another or others.
“Hey! Quit hogging all the blankets.”
Hog (verb)
To clip the mane of a horse, making it short and bristly.
Hog (verb)
To scrub with a hog, or scrubbing broom.
Hog (verb)
To cause the keel of a ship to arch upwards (the opposite of sag).
Pig (noun)
Any of several intelligent domesticated animal Sus scrofa.
“The man kept a pen with two pigs that he fed from carrots to cabbage.”
Pig (noun)
A young swine, a piglet contrasted with a hog, an adult swine.
Pig (noun)
The edible meat of such an animal; pork.
“Some religions prohibit their adherents from eating pig.”
Pig (noun)
Someone who overeats or eats rapidly and noisily.
“You gluttonous pig! Now that you’ve eaten all the cupcakes, there will be none for the party!”
Pig (noun)
A lecherous or sexist man.
“She considered him a pig as he invariably stared at her bosom when they talked.”
Pig (noun)
A dirty or slovenly person.
“He was a pig and his apartment a pigpen; take-away containers and pizza boxes in a long, moldy stream lined his counter tops.”
Pig (noun)
A police officer. From ante 1785.
“The protester shouted, “Don’t give in to the pigs!” as he was arrested.”
Pig (noun)
A difficult problem.
“Hrm… this one’s a real pig: I’ve been banging my head against the wall over it for hours!”
Pig (noun)
A block of cast metal.
“The conveyor carried the pigs from the smelter to the freight cars.”
“After the ill-advised trade, the investor was stuck with worthless options for 10,000 tons of iron pig.”
Pig (noun)
The mold in which a block of metal is cast.
“The pig was cracked, and molten metal was oozing from the side.”
Pig (noun)
A device for cleaning or inspecting the inside of an oil or gas pipeline, or for separating different substances within the pipeline. Named for the pig-like squealing noise made by their progress.
“Unfortunately, the pig sent to clear the obstruction got lodged in a tight bend, adding to the problem.”
Pig (noun)
A person who is obese to the extent of resembling a pig (the animal).
Pig (noun)
The general-purpose M60 machine gun, considered to be heavy and bulky.
“Unfortunately, the M60 is about twenty-four pounds and is very unbalanced. You try carrying the pig around the jungle and see how you feel.”
Pig (noun)
A simple dice game in which players roll the dice as many times as they like, either accumulating a greater score or losing previous points gained.
Pig (noun)
earthenware, or an earthenware shard
Pig (noun)
An earthenware hot-water jar to warm a bed; a stone bed warmer
Pig (verb)
to give birth.
“The black sow pigged at seven this morning.”
Pig (verb)
To greedily consume (especially food).
“They were pigging on the free food at the bar.”
Pig (verb)
To huddle or lie together like pigs, in one bed.
Pig (verb)
To clean (a pipeline) using a pig the device.
Hog (noun)
a domesticated pig, especially a castrated male reared for slaughter.
Hog (noun)
a feral pig.
Hog (noun)
a wild animal of the pig family, for example a warthog.
Hog (noun)
a greedy person.
Hog (noun)
a large motorcycle, in particular a Harley Davidson.
Hog (noun)
a young sheep before the first shearing.
Hog (verb)
take or use most or all of (something) in an unfair or selfish way
“he never hogged the limelight”
Hog (verb)
cause (a ship or its keel) to curve up in the centre and sag at the ends as a result of strain.
Pig (noun)
an omnivorous domesticated hoofed mammal with sparse bristly hair and a flat snout for rooting in the soil, kept for its meat.
Pig (noun)
a wild animal of the pig family; a hog.
Pig (noun)
a young pig; a piglet.
Pig (noun)
the flesh of a pig as food.
Pig (noun)
a greedy, dirty, or unpleasant person
“I bet he’s scoffed them all, greedy pig”
Pig (noun)
a police officer
“were the pigs there when the windows were smashed or not?”
Pig (noun)
an oblong mass of iron or lead from a smelting furnace.
Pig (noun)
a device which fits snugly inside an oil or gas pipeline and is sent through it to clean or test the inside, or to act as a barrier.
Pig (verb)
gorge oneself with food
“lovesick people pig out on chocolate”
Pig (verb)
crowd together with other people in disorderly or dirty conditions
“he didn’t approve of the proposal to pig it in the studio”
Pig (verb)
(of a sow) give birth to piglets; farrow.
Pig (verb)
operate a pig within an oil or gas pipeline
“they will carry out all trenching and pigging”