Halal (; Arabic: حلال, ḥalāl); is an Arabic word that translates to “permissible” in English.
In the Quran, the word halal is contrasted with haram (forbidden). This binary opposition was elaborated into a more complex classification known as “the five decisions”: mandatory, recommended, neutral, reprehensible and forbidden. Islamic jurists disagree on whether the term halal covers the first two or the first four of these categories. In recent times, Islamic movements seeking to mobilize the masses and authors writing for a popular audience have emphasized the simpler distinction of halal and haram.The term halal is particularly associated with Islamic dietary laws and especially meat processed and prepared in accordance with those requirements.
Halal (adjective)
Permissible, according to Muslim religious customs, to have or do.
Halal (adjective)
Fit to eat according to Muslim religious customs.
Halal (adjective)
In accordance with standards or usual practice; acceptable.
Halal (adverb)
In a halal manner; in accordance with Muslim religious customs.
Halal (verb)
To make halal.
Kosher (adjective)
Fit for use or consumption, in accordance with Jewish law (especially relating to food).
“Only in New York can you find a good, kosher hamburger!”
“David’s mother kept a kosher kitchen, with separate sets of dishes for meat and for dairy.”
“In order for a suit to be kosher, it cannot contain both wool and linen together.”
Kosher (adjective)
In accordance with standards or usual practice.
“Is what I have done kosher with Mr. Smith?”
Kosher (adverb)
In a kosher manner; in accordance with kashrut.
Kosher (verb)
To kasher; to prepare (for example, meat) in conformity with the requirements of the Jewish law.