Putty is a material with high plasticity, similar in texture to clay or dough, typically used in domestic construction and repair as a sealant or filler.
Gutty (adjective)
Charged or sprinkled with drops.
Gutty (adjective)
Gutsy; brave.
Gutty (adjective)
Having a prominent gut.
Gutty (noun)
One who works in a slaughterhouse cutting out the internal organs.
Gutty (noun)
An urchin or delinquent.
Gutty (noun)
Low-class person.
Gutty (noun)
An unpleasant person.
Putty (noun)
A form of cement, made from linseed oil and whiting, used to fix panes of glass.
Putty (noun)
Any of a range of similar substances.
Putty (noun)
An oxide of tin, or of lead and tin, used in polishing glass, etc.
Putty (noun)
A golf ball made of composition and not gutta-percha.
Putty (adjective)
Of, pertaining to, or resembling putty.
Putty (verb)
To fix or fill using putty.