Grandfather vs. Poppy

By Jaxson

  • Poppy

    A poppy is a flowering plant in the subfamily Papaveroideae of the family Papaveraceae. Poppies are herbaceous plants, often grown for their colourful flowers. One species of poppy, Papaver somniferum, is the source of the crude drug opium which contains powerful medicinal alkaloids such as morphine and has been used since ancient times as an analgesic and narcotic medicinal and recreational drug. It also produces edible seeds. Following the trench warfare in the poppy fields of Flanders during World War I, poppies have become a symbol of remembrance of soldiers who have died during wartime.

  • Grandfather (noun)

    A father of someone’s parent. from 15th c.

  • Grandfather (noun)

    A male forefather.

  • Grandfather (verb)

    To existing rules only for affected by them, and to apply new laws or rules to the unaffected people or organizations. from 1950s

  • Grandfather (verb)

    To retain existing laws or rules for (a person or organization previously affected by them). from 1950s

  • Poppy (noun)

    Any plant of the genus Papaver, with crumpled often red petals and a milky juice.

  • Poppy (noun)

    A bright red colour, tinted with orange, like that of the poppy flower.

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  • Poppy (noun)

    A simple artificial poppy worn in the buttonhole to remember the fallen in the two World Wars, especially around Remembrance Sunday.

  • Poppy (noun)

    An affectionate nickname given to a father or grandfather, or a male authority figure standing in a similar position.

  • Poppy (adjective)

    Of a bright red color, tinted with orange, like that of the poppy flower.

  • Poppy (adjective)

    In the style of pop music.

  • Poppy (adjective)

    Having a popping sound.

  • Grandfather (noun)

    the father of one’s father or mother.

  • Grandfather (noun)

    the person who founded or originated something

    “Freud is often called the grandfather of psychoanalysis”

  • Grandfather (verb)

    exempt (someone or something) from a new law or regulation

    “smokers who worked here before the ban have been grandfathered”

  • Poppy (noun)

    a herbaceous plant with showy flowers, milky sap, and rounded seed capsules. Many poppies contain alkaloids and are a source of drugs such as morphine and codeine.

  • Poppy (adjective)

    (of popular music) tuneful and immediately appealing

    “catchy, poppy tunes”

Oxford Dictionary

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