Given (verb)
inflection of give||past|part
Given (preposition)
Considering; taking into account.
“Given the current situation, I don’t think that’s possible.”
Given (noun)
A condition that is assumed to be true without further evaluation.
“When evaluating this math problem, don’t forget to read the givens.”
Given (adjective)
Already arranged. en
Given (adjective)
Currently discussed. en
Given (adjective)
Particular, specific.
“No more than three people can be in that space at a given time.”
Given (adjective)
Assumed as fact or hypothesis.
“Given that we will get the resources, what do we want to achieve?”
Given (adjective)
Prone, disposed.
“He was given to taking a couple of glasses of port at his club.”
Giving (verb)
present participle of give
“”These bright surfaces are sprayed with a fine spray of ink, thus giving them an even surface.’ – First Usenet use via Google Groups, fa.human-nets, 6 May 1981 0359-EDT, Gary Feldman at CMU-10A”
Giving (adjective)
having the tendency to give; generous
“To become like Christ involves everything else: becoming a loving and giving person, having confidence enabling you to be vulnerable (psychologically and physically; Jesus did both), having the wisdom to see people’s needs and the desire to meet them. – net.flame – 26 Mar 1984 by Jeff Sargent”
Giving (noun)
The act of bestowing as a gift; a conferring or imparting.
Giving (noun)
A gift; a benefaction.
Giving (noun)
The act of softening, breaking, or yielding.