A party is a gathering of people who have been invited by a host for the purposes of socializing, conversation, recreation, or as part of a festival or other commemoration of a special occasion. A party will typically feature food and beverages, and often music and dancing or other forms of entertainment. In many Western countries, parties for teens and adults are associated with drinking alcohol such as beer, wine, or distilled spirits.
Gathering (noun)
A meeting or get-together; a party or social function.
“I met her at a gathering of engineers and scientists.”
Gathering (noun)
A group of people or things.
“A gathering of fruit.”
Gathering (noun)
A section, a group of bifolios, or sheets of paper, stacked together and folded in half.
“This gathering machine forms the backbone of a bookbinding operation.”
Gathering (noun)
A charitable contribution; a collection.
Gathering (noun)
A tumor or boil suppurated or maturated; an abscess.
Gathering (verb)
present participle of gather
“She enjoyed gathering wildflowers.”
Party (noun)
A person or group of people constituting a particular side in a contract or legal action.
“The contract requires that the party of the first part pay the fee.”
Party (noun)
A person.
Party (noun)
A person; an individual.
“He is a queer party.”
Party (noun)
A group of people forming one side in a given dispute, contest etc.
Party (noun)
With to: an accessory, someone who takes part.
“I can’t possibly be a party to that kind of reckless behaviour.”
Party (noun)
Active player characters organized into a single group.
Party (noun)
A political group considered as a formal whole, united under one specific political platform of issues and campaigning to take part in government.
“The green party took 12% of the vote.”
Party (noun)
A discrete detachment of troops, especially for a particular purpose.
“The settlers were attacked early next morning by a scouting party.”
Party (noun)
A social gathering.
Party (noun)
A group of characters controlled by the player.
Party (noun)
A gathering of usually invited guests for entertainment, fun and socializing.
“I’m throwing a huge party for my 21st birthday.”
Party (noun)
A group of people traveling or attending an event together, or participating in the same activity.
“We’re expecting a large party from the London office.”
Party (noun)
A part or division.
Party (verb)
To celebrate at a party, to have fun, to enjoy oneself.
“We partied until the early hours.”
Party (verb)
To take recreational drugs.
Party (verb)
To engage in flings, to have one-night stands, to sow one’s wild oats.
Party (verb)
To form a party (with).
“If you want to beat that monster, you should party with a healer.”
Party (adjective)
Divided; in part.
Party (adjective)
Parted or divided, as in the direction or form of one of the ordinaries.
“an escutcheon party per pale”
Party (adverb)
Gathering (noun)
an assembly or meeting, especially one held for a specific purpose
“a family gathering”
Gathering (noun)
a group of leaves taken together, one inside another, in binding a book.