Ethereal vs. Ephemeral

By Jaxson

  • Ethereal (adjective)

    Pertaining to the hypothetical upper, purer air, or to the higher regions beyond the earth or beyond the atmosphere; celestial; otherworldly.

    “ethereal space”

    “ethereal regions”

  • Ethereal (adjective)

    Consisting of ether; hence, exceedingly light or airy; tenuous; spiritlike; characterized by extreme delicacy, as form, manner, thought, etc.

  • Ethereal (adjective)

    Delicate, light and airy.

  • Ethereal (adjective)

    (chemistry) To do with ether.

  • Ephemeral (noun)

    Something which lasts for a short period of time.

  • Ephemeral (adjective)

    Lasting for a short period of time.

  • Ephemeral (adjective)

    Existing for only one day, as with some flowers, insects, and diseases.

  • Ephemeral (adjective)

    Usually dry, but filling with water for brief periods during and after precipitation.

  • Ethereal (adjective)

    extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world

    “her ethereal beauty”

  • Ethereal (adjective)

    heavenly or spiritual

    “ethereal, otherworldly visions”

  • Ethereal (adjective)

    (of a solution) having diethyl ether as a solvent

    “sodium is dissolved in ethereal solutions of aromatic ketones”

  • Ephemeral (adjective)

    lasting for a very short time

    “fashions are ephemeral: new ones regularly drive out the old”

    “works of more than ephemeral interest”

  • Ephemeral (adjective)

    (chiefly of plants) having a very short life cycle

    “chickweed is an ephemeral weed, producing several generations in one season”

  • Ephemeral (noun)

    an ephemeral plant

    “ephemerals avoid the periods of drought as seeds”

Oxford Dictionary

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