Doppio espresso is a double shot, extracted using a double coffee filter in the portafilter. This results in 60 ml of drink, double the amount of a single shot espresso. More commonly called a standard double, it is a standard in judging the espresso quality in barista competitions. Doppio is Italian multiplier, meaning “double”.
A single shot of espresso, by contrast, is called a solo (“single”) and developed because it was the maximum amount that could practically be extracted on lever espresso machines. Today the Doppio is the standard shot, and because solos require a different filter basket, solo shots are often produced by making (“pulling”) a doppio in a two-spout portafilter, but only catching one of the streams (the other stream may be discarded or used in another drink).
Doppio (adjective)
Having two shots of espresso.
Doppio (noun)
Two shots of espresso.
Solo (noun)
A piece of music for one performer.
Solo (noun)
A job or performance done by one person alone.
Solo (noun)
A card game similar to whist in which each player plays against the others in turn without a partner
Solo (noun)
A single shot of espresso.
Solo (noun)
An instance of soloing the football.
Solo (adjective)
Without a companion or instructor.
Solo (adjective)
Of, or relating to, a musical solo.
Solo (adverb)
Alone, without a companion.
Solo (verb)
To perform a solo.
Solo (verb)
To perform something in the absence of anyone else.
Solo (verb)
To drop the ball and then toe-kick it upward into the hands.
Solo (adjective)
for or done by one person alone; unaccompanied
“she’d spent most of her life flying solo”
“a solo album”
Solo (adjective)
(of a motorbike) without a sidecar
“a solo machine”
Solo (adverb)
for or done by one person alone; unaccompanied
“a solo album”
“she’d spent most of her life flying solo”
Solo (adverb)
Solo (adverb)
(of a motorbike) without a sidecar
“a solo machine”
Solo (noun)
a piece of vocal or instrumental music or a dance, or a part or passage in one, for one performer
“the opening bassoon solo is relatively bland”
“Petipa often left the danseur to arrange his own brief solo”
Solo (noun)
an unaccompanied flight by a pilot in an aircraft
“his first ride in his aircraft would also be his first solo”
Solo (noun)
a card game resembling whist in which the players make bids and the highest bidder plays against the others in an attempt to win a specified number of tricks.
Solo (noun)
a bid by which a player undertakes to win five tricks in solo whist.
Solo (noun)
a motorbike without a sidecar
“50 races—solos and sidecars—should make for a thrilling showdown”
Solo (verb)
perform an unaccompanied piece of music or a part or passage in one
“you’re in danger of forgetting that you’re accompanying rather than soloing”
Solo (verb)
fly an aircraft unaccompanied
“she had been flying for twelve years and had soloed on her seventeenth birthday”
Solo (verb)
undertake solo climbing
“he did not solo the South Face of Lhotse”
“I soloed back up it in the last light”
“I was back next day with two friends, soloing again while they roped up”