Discreet vs. Discrete

By Jaxson

  • Discreet (adjective)

    Respectful of privacy or secrecy; exercising caution in order to avoid causing embarrassment; quiet; diplomatic.

    “With a discreet gesture, she reminded him to mind his manners.”

    “John just doesn’t understand that laughing at Mary all day is not very discreet.”

  • Discreet (adjective)

    Not drawing attention, anger or challenge; inconspicuous.

  • Discrete (adjective)

    Separate; distinct; individual; non-continuous.

    “a government with three discrete divisions”

  • Discrete (adjective)

    That can be perceived individually and not as connected to, or part of something else.

  • Discrete (adjective)

    Having separate electronic components, such as individual resistors and inductors — the opposite of integrated circuitry.

  • Discrete (adjective)

    Having separate and independent channels of audio, as opposed to multiplexed stereo or quadraphonic, or other multi-channel sound.

  • Discrete (adjective)

    Having each singleton subset open: said of a topological space or a topology.

  • Discrete (adjective)

    disjunctive; containing a disjunctive or discretive clause

    “”I resign my life, but not my honour” is a discrete proposition.”


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