Difference between DKA and HHNK

By Jaxson

Main Difference

Diabetes is a disease that is becoming common among people, and that is because of the food we consume. There are many issues relate to the disease itself that can be harmful to the person that is suffering from it. The two main types of these are known as Diabetic ketoacidosis and as hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketoacidosis. The main difference between these two is that the first one takes place at a fast speed and is the one which is less dangerous whereas the other one takes a while to fully takes control of the body and is considered extremely fatal.

Comparison Chart

Basis of Distinction DKA HHNK
Name Diabetic Ketoacidosis Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Non-Ketoacidosis.
Nature One of the most common effects for a person who has diabetes. One of the most strange results for a person who has diabetes.
Severity Less Dangerous Extremely Dangerous
Effects High Blood Pressure and Sugar contents. Strokes, Coma and eventual death.
Symptoms Sudden urge of drinking loads of water.

Urination several times in a day. Abdominal pain and sometimes even vomiting or nausea.

Several times for urination, the sudden urge of drinking water even when you are not thirsty, dehydration.
Cure Precaution and medicine. Surgery and medicine.


DKA that stands for Diabetic ketoacidosis is one of the most dangerous symptoms for a diabetic person. In this, what happens is that the body of a person suffering from this disease starts to produce a high level of ketones that are known as blood acids and the human body does not need them in an excess amount. This disease mainly occurs when the body of a person is not able to produce enough insulin. This constituent plays a significant role in the maintenance of the blood levels of sugar in the human body and when there is less amount of it produced continuously, other ones, such as ketones start to take over and result in serious harm to the human being. Insulin is one of the major parts of our muscles as glucose from this one strengths the whole body including the muscles and tissues. When it is not there, the body will start using fat instead of glucose and then, the acids such as the ones discussed will start to get involved in the blood stream and if this keeps on happening for a long time, then a person starts suffering from DKA. There are many signs from where a person can have an idea if they are close to or have been suffering from this disease. The main ones will usually develop at a fast speed and often take their effect within one day. They include sudden urge of drinking loads of water. Then a person will have to visit the washroom for urination several times in a day. The other ones can include abdominal pain and sometimes when it gets worse, they will even feel vomiting or nausea.


HHNK, which is most commonly known as hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketoacidosis or even as the hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome is a condition that is considered acute among patients who are suffering from diabetes. This symptom does not commonly occur in people who are young and suffering from it but is related to the ones who are bigger in age and mostly above 60 years. It gets connected to individuals who are suffering from the type one or type two but is general in the ones who type two and only comes in when proper care and precautions do not follow for the disease. It can also go in there and take effect when a person is suffering from another illness but does not take their usual dose in those days. This results in the increase of the blood sugar level within the body, when that happens, the body tries to take that out in the form of urine, and a person has to visit the washroom several times in a day. After few weeks, they may not have to urinate at the same frequency, but whenever they do, the color of it will be dark. They will also feel thirsty and will drink several glasses of water, even if that person does not feel the need to drink water, they will feel dehydrated and will keep on drinking water even if it does not is a requirement. The hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome can even lead to seizures, and in the extreme case a person can even suffer coma and then eventually can lead to death. There are many signs from where it gets figured out since it takes a long time to develop within the body.

Key Differences

  • DKA stands for Diabetic ketoacidosis. Whereas HHNK is most commonly known as hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketoacidosis or even as a hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome.
  • DKA is one of the most common effects for a person who has diabetes whereas HHNK is one of the most uncommon effects for a person who has diabetes.
  • DKA is considered less dangerous among the two, whereas HHNK is considered extremely dangerous.
  • DKA can lead to a person suffering from high levels of sugar increase whereas HHNK can lead to stroke and in the most severe cases, coma and even death.
  • The primary symptoms of DKA include sudden urge of drinking loads of water. Having to visit the washroom for urination several times in a day. Abdominal pain and sometimes even vomiting or nausea. Whereas the symptoms of HHNK includes visiting the toilet several times for urination, sudden urge of drinking water even when you are not thirsty, dehydration without any prior sign and concentrated colored urine.
  • DKA can show its signs in a short time and can take effect within one day, whereas HHNK takes a longer time to develop and can take weeks to fully take over control.
  • Proper medication is required to get rid of HHNK whereas DKA has the process of being controlled with measured diet and low-level medication.

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