Department vs. Division

By Jaxson

  • Department (noun)

    A part, portion, or subdivision.

  • Department (noun)

    A distinct course of life, action, study, or the like.

    “Technical things are not his department; he’s a people person.”

  • Department (noun)

    A subdivision of an organization.

  • Department (noun)

    One of the principal divisions of executive government

    “the Treasury Department; the Department of Agriculture; police department”

  • Department (noun)

    A territorial division; a district; especially, in France, one of the districts composed of several arrondissements into which the country is divided for governmental purposes. In France, a department is smaller than a region

  • Department (noun)

    A military subdivision of a country

    “the Department of the Potomac”

  • Department (noun)

    Act of departing; departure.

  • Division (noun)

    The act or process of dividing anything.

  • Division (noun)

    Each of the separate parts of something resulting from division.

  • Division (noun)

    The dividing a number by another.

  • Division (noun)

    A calculation that involves this process.

    “I’ve got ten divisions to do for my homework.”

  • Division (noun)

    A formation, usually made up of two or three brigades.

  • Division (noun)

    A section of a large company.

  • Division (noun)

    A plants or fungi, also (particularly of animals) called a phylum; a taxon at that rank.

    “Magnolias belong to the division Magnoliophyta.”

  • Division (noun)

    A disagreement; a difference of viewpoint between two sides of an argument.

  • Division (noun)

    A method by which a legislature is separated into groups in order to take a better estimate of vote than a voice vote.

    “The House of Commons has voted to approve the third reading of the bill without a division. The bill will now progress to the House of Lords.”

  • Division (noun)

    A florid instrumental variation of a melody in the 17th and 18th centuries, originally conceived as the dividing of each of a succession of long notes into several short ones.

  • Division (noun)

    A set of pipes in a pipe organ which are independently controlled and supplied.

  • Division (noun)

    A concept whereby a common group of debtors are only responsible for their proportionate sum of the total debt.

  • Division (noun)

    Any of the four major parts of a COBOL program source code

  • Division (noun)

    A lesson; a class.

  • Department (noun)

    a division of a large organization such as a government, university, or business, dealing with a specific area of activity

    “the council’s finance department”

  • Department (noun)

    an administrative district in France and other countries

    “the turnout was particularly low in rural departments”

  • Department (noun)

    an area of special expertise or responsibility

    “that’s not my department”

  • Department (noun)

    a specified aspect or quality

    “he was a bit lacking in the height department”

  • Division (noun)

    the action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated

    “a gene that helps regulate cell division”

    “the division of the land into small fields”

  • Division (noun)

    the distribution of something separated into parts

    “the division of his estates between the two branches of his family”

  • Division (noun)

    an instance of members of a legislative body separating into two groups to vote

    “the new clause was agreed without a division”

  • Division (noun)

    the action of splitting the roots of a perennial plant into parts to be replanted separately, as a means of propagation

    “the plant can also be easily increased by division in autumn”

  • Division (noun)

    the action of dividing a wider class into two or more subclasses.

  • Division (noun)

    difference or disagreement between two or more groups, typically producing tension

    “a growing sense of division between north and south”

    “deep cultural divisions”

  • Division (noun)

    the process of dividing one number by another

    “no multiplication or division is necessary”

  • Division (noun)

    the process of dividing a matrix, vector, or other quantity by another under specific rules to obtain a quotient.

  • Division (noun)

    each of the parts into which something is divided

    “the main divisions of the book”

  • Division (noun)

    a major section of an organization, with responsibility for a particular area of activity

    “a retail division”

  • Division (noun)

    a group of army brigades or regiments

    “an infantry division”

  • Division (noun)

    a number of teams or competitors grouped together in a sport for competitive purposes according to such characteristics as ability or weight

    “the club will finish second in Division One”

  • Division (noun)

    a part of a county, country, or city defined for administrative or political purposes

    “a licensing division of a district”

  • Division (noun)

    a part of a county or borough forming a parliamentary constituency

    “he was MP for the Lancaster division of North Lancashire”

  • Division (noun)

    a principal taxonomic category that ranks above class and below kingdom, equivalent to the phylum in zoology.

  • Division (noun)

    any subsidiary category between major levels of classification.

  • Division (noun)

    a partition

    “the villagers lived in a communal building and there were no solid divisions between neighbours”

Oxford Dictionary

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