Defence vs. Defense

By Jaxson

  • Defence (noun)

    The action of defending, of protecting from attack, danger or injury.

  • Defence (noun)

    Something used to oppose attacks.

  • Defence (noun)

    An argument in support or justification of something.

  • Defence (noun)

    A scoring; contrasted with offence.

  • Defence (noun)

    The portion of a team dedicated to preventing the other team from scoring; contrasted with offence.

  • Defence (noun)

    Government policy or (infra)structure related to the military.

    “Department of Defence”

  • Defence (noun)

    Prohibition; a prohibitory ordinance.

  • Defence (verb)

    To furnish with defences; to fortify.

  • Defense (noun)

    The action of defending or protecting from attack, danger, or injury.

  • Defense (noun)

    Anything employed to oppose attack(s).

  • Defense (noun)

    A scoring; contrasted with offense.

  • Defense (noun)

    An argument in support or justification of something.

  • Defense (noun)

    Government policy or (infra)structure related to the military.

    “Department of Defense”

  • Defense (noun)

    A prohibition; a prohibitory ordinance.


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