Couple vs. Pair

By Jaxson

  • Couple (noun)

    Two partners in a romantic or sexual relationship.

  • Couple (noun)

    Two of the same kind connected or considered together.

  • Couple (noun)

    A small number.

  • Couple (noun)

    One of the pairs of plates of two metals which compose a voltaic battery, called a voltaic couple or galvanic couple.

  • Couple (noun)

    Two forces that are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction (and acting along parallel lines), thus creating the turning effect of a torque or moment.

  • Couple (noun)

    A couple-close.

  • Couple (noun)

    That which joins or links two things together; a bond or tie; a coupler.

  • Couple (adjective)

    Two or (a) small number of.

  • Couple (determiner)

    Two or a few, a small number of.

  • Couple (verb)

    To join (two things) together, or (one thing) to (another).

    “Now the conductor will couple the train cars.”

    “I’ve coupled our system to theirs.”

  • Couple (verb)

    To join in wedlock; to marry.

  • Couple (verb)

    To join in sexual intercourse; to copulate.

  • Pair (noun)

    Two similar or identical things taken together; often followed by of.

    “I couldn’t decide which of the pair of designer shirts I preferred, so I bought the pair.”

  • Pair (noun)

    Two people in a relationship, partnership (especially sexual) or friendship.

    “Spouses should make a great pair.”

  • Pair (noun)

    Used with binary nouns (often in the plural to indicate multiple instances, since such nouns are plural only)

    “a pair of scissors; two pairs of spectacles; several pairs of jeans”

  • Pair (noun)

    A couple of working animals attached to work together, as by a yoke.

    “A pair is harder to drive than two mounts with separate riders.”

  • Pair (noun)

    A poker hand that contains two cards of identical rank, which cannot also count as a better hand.

  • Pair (noun)

    A score of zero runs (a duck) in both innings of a two-innings match

  • Pair (noun)

    A double play, two outs recorded in one play

    “They turned a pair to end the fifth.”

  • Pair (noun)

    A doubleheader, two games played on the same day between the same teams

    “The Pirates took a pair from the Phillies.”

  • Pair (noun)

    A pair of breasts

    “She’s got a gorgeous pair.”

  • Pair (noun)

    The exclusion of one member of a parliamentary party from a vote, if a member of the other party is absent for important personal reasons.

  • Pair (noun)

    Two members of opposite parties or opinion, as in a parliamentary body, who mutually agree not to vote on a given question, or on issues of a party nature during a specified time.

    “There were two pairs on the final vote.”

  • Pair (noun)

    A number of things resembling one another, or belonging together; a set.

  • Pair (noun)

    In a mechanism, two elements, or bodies, which are so applied to each other as to mutually constrain relative motion; named in accordance with the motion it permits, as in turning pair, sliding pair, twisting pair.

  • Pair (verb)

    To group into sets of two.

    “The wedding guests were paired boy/girl and groom’s party/bride’s party.”

  • Pair (verb)

    To bring two (animals, notably dogs) together for mating.

  • Pair (verb)

    To engage (oneself) with another of opposite opinions not to vote on a particular question or class of questions.

  • Pair (verb)

    To suit; to fit, as a counterpart.

  • Pair (verb)

    to form wireless connection between to devices

  • Couple (noun)

    two people or things of the same sort considered together

    “a couple of girls were playing marbles”

  • Couple (noun)

    a pair of partners in a dance or game.

  • Couple (noun)

    a pair of hunting dogs.

  • Couple (noun)

    two collars joined together and used for holding hounds together.

  • Couple (noun)

    a pair of rafters.

  • Couple (noun)

    a pair of equal and parallel forces acting in opposite directions, and tending to cause rotation about an axis perpendicular to the plane containing them.

  • Couple (noun)

    two people who are married or otherwise closely associated romantically or sexually

    “in three weeks the couple fell in love and became engaged”

    “a honeymoon couple”

  • Couple (noun)

    an indefinite small number

    “clean the stains with a couple squirts dishwashing liquid”

    “he hoped she’d be better in a couple of days”

    “we got some eggs—would you like a couple?”

    “just a couple more questions”

  • Couple (verb)

    link or combine (something) with something else

    “a sense of hope is coupled with a palpable sense of loss”

  • Couple (verb)

    connect (a railway vehicle or a piece of equipment) to another

    “a cable is coupled up to one of the wheels”

  • Couple (verb)

    connect (two electrical components) using electromagnetic induction, electrostatic charge, or an optical link

    “resistors are used to couple the oscillators”

  • Couple (verb)

    join to form a pair

    “the beetles may couple up to form a pair”

  • Couple (verb)

    mate or have sexual intercourse

    “as middle-class youth grew more tolerant of sex, they started to couple more often”

Oxford Dictionary

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