Conflate vs. Confuse

By Jaxson

  • Conflate

    Conflation happens when the identities of two or more individuals, concepts, or places, sharing some characteristics of one another, seem to be a single identity, and the differences appear to become lost. In logic, it is the practice of treating two distinct concepts as if they were one, which produces errors or misunderstandings as a fusion of distinct subjects tends to obscure analysis of relationships which are emphasized by contrasts. However, if the distinctions between the two concepts appear to be superficial, intentional conflation may be desirable for the sake of conciseness and recall.

  • Confuse

    Confusion (from Latin confusĭo, -ōnis, from confundere: “to pour together;” “to mingle together;” “to confuse”) is the state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something.

  • Conflate (verb)

    To bring (things) together and fuse (them) into a single entity.


  • Conflate (verb)

    To mix together different elements.


  • Conflate (verb)

    To fail to properly distinguish or keep separate (things); to mistakenly treat (them) as equivalent.

    “confuse|mix up”

    ““Bacon was Lord Chancellor of England and the first European to experiment with gunpowder.” — “No, you are conflating Francis Bacon and Roger Bacon.””

  • Conflate (adjective)

    Combining elements from multiple versions of the same text.

  • Conflate (noun)

    A conflate text, one which conflates multiple version of a text together.

  • Confuse (verb)

    To mix up; to puzzle; to bewilder.

  • Confuse (verb)

    To mistake (one thing) for another.

    “People who say “hola” to Italians are confusing Italian with Spanish.”

  • Confuse (verb)

    To mix thoroughly; to confound; to disorder.

  • Confuse (verb)

    To make uneasy and ashamed; to embarrass.

  • Confuse (verb)

    To rout; discomfit.

  • Conflate (verb)

    combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one

    “the urban crisis conflates a number of different economic, political, and social issues”

  • Confuse (verb)

    make (someone) bewildered or perplexed

    “past and present blurred together, confusing her still further”

  • Confuse (verb)

    make (something) more complex or less easy to understand

    “the points made by the authors confuse rather than clarify the issue”

  • Confuse (verb)

    identify wrongly; mistake

    “a lot of people confuse a stroke with a heart attack”

    “purchasers might confuse the two products”

Oxford Dictionary

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