Cap vs. Fap

By Jaxson

  • Cap

    A cap is a form of headgear. Caps have crowns that fit very close to the head. They are typically designed for warmth and, when including a visor, blocking sunlight from the eyes. They come in many shapes and sizes.

  • Cap (noun)

    A close-fitting hat, either brimless or peaked.

    “The children were all wearing caps to protect them from the sun.”

  • Cap (noun)

    A special hat to indicate rank, occupation etc.

  • Cap (noun)

    An academic mortarboard

  • Cap (noun)

    A protective cover or seal

    “He took the cap off the bottle and splashed himself with some cologne.”

  • Cap (noun)

    A crown for covering a tooth

    “He had golden caps on his teeth.”

  • Cap (noun)

    The summit of a mountain etc.

    “There was snow on the cap of the mountain.”

  • Cap (noun)

    An artificial upper limit or ceiling

    “We should put a cap on the salaries, to keep them under control.”

  • Cap (noun)

    The top part of a mushroom

  • Cap (noun)

    A small amount of gunpowder in a paper strip or plastic cup for use in a toy gun

    “Billy spent all morning firing caps with his friends, re-enacting storming the beach at Normandy.”

  • Cap (noun)

    A small explosive device used to detonate a larger charge of explosives

    “He wired the cap to the bundle of dynamite, then detonated it remotely.”

  • Cap (noun)

    A bullet used to shoot someone.

  • Cap (noun)

    An international appearance

    “Rio Ferdinand won his 50th cap for England in a game against Sweden.”

  • Cap (noun)

    The top, or uppermost part; the chief.

  • Cap (noun)

    A respectful uncovering of the head.

  • Cap (noun)

    The whole top of the head of a bird from the base of the bill to the nape of the neck.

  • Cap (noun)

    The uppermost of any assemblage of parts.

    “the cap of column, door, etc.; a capital, coping, cornice, lintel, or plate”

  • Cap (noun)

    Something covering the top or end of a thing for protection or ornament.

  • Cap (noun)

    A collar of iron or wood used in joining spars, as the mast and the topmast, the bowsprit and the jib boom; also, a covering of tarred canvas at the end of a rope.

  • Cap (noun)

    A portion of a spherical or other convex surface.

  • Cap (noun)

    A large size of writing paper.

    “flat cap; foolscap; legal cap”

  • Cap (noun)


  • Cap (noun)

    An uppercase letter.

  • Cap (noun)


    “Parasitic caps.”

  • Cap (noun)

    A recording or screenshot.

    “Anyone have a cap of the games last night?”

  • Cap (verb)

    To cover or seal with a cap

  • Cap (verb)

    To award a cap as a mark of distinction etc.

  • Cap (verb)

    To lie over or on top of something

  • Cap (verb)

    To surpass or outdo

  • Cap (verb)

    To set an upper limit on something

    “cap wages.”

  • Cap (verb)

    To make something even more wonderful at the end.

    “That really capped my day.”

  • Cap (verb)

    To select a player to play for a specified side

  • Cap (verb)

    To shoot (someone) with a firearm.

    “If he don’t get outta my hood, I’m gonna cap his ass.”

  • Cap (verb)

    to select to play for the national team.

    “Peter Shilton is the most capped English footballer.”

  • Cap (verb)

    To uncover the head respectfully.

  • Cap (verb)

    To deprive of a cap.

  • Cap (verb)

    To convert text to uppercase.

  • Cap (verb)

    To take a screenshot or to record a copy of a video.

  • Fap (adjective)


  • Fap (interjection)

    To indicate that someone (normally the speaker) is either masturbating, or inspired to by sexual arousal.

    “I was watching some porn – fap fap fap – when my computer crashed, again!”

    “She’s single?… *fap fap fap*”

  • Fap (verb)

    To masturbate.

  • Fap (noun)

    A session of masturbation.

    “I was horny, so I had a quick fap in the public restroom.”

  • Fap (noun)


    “I’ve just downloaded loads of fap for while I’m away.”

  • Cap (noun)

    a kind of soft, flat hat without a brim and typically with a peak

    “a man wearing a raincoat and a flat cap”

    “her cap of dark hair”

  • Cap (noun)

    a kind of soft, close-fitting head covering worn for a particular purpose

    “a bathing cap”

    “a shower cap”

  • Cap (noun)

    a cap awarded as a sign of membership of a particular sports team, especially a national team

    “he has won three caps for Scotland”

  • Cap (noun)

    a player to whom a cap is awarded

    “a former naval officer and rugby cap”

  • Cap (noun)

    an academic mortar board

    “school-leavers in cap and gown”

  • Cap (noun)

    the top of a bird’s head when distinctively coloured.

  • Cap (noun)

    a protective lid or cover for an object such as a bottle, the point of a pen, or a camera lens

    “a glass bottle with a screw cap”

    “a lens cap from a camera”

  • Cap (noun)

    an artificial protective covering for a tooth.

  • Cap (noun)

    an upper limit imposed on spending or borrowing

    “he raised the cap on local authority spending”

  • Cap (noun)

    a contraceptive diaphragm.

  • Cap (noun)

    the broad upper part of the fruiting body of most mushrooms and toadstools, at the top of a stem and bearing gills or pores.

  • Cap (noun)

    short for percussion cap

  • Cap (noun)

    short for capitalization

    “small-cap stocks”

    “mid-cap companies”

  • Cap (verb)

    put a lid or cover on

    “he capped his pen”

  • Cap (verb)

    form a covering layer or topmost part of

    “snow-capped mountains”

  • Cap (verb)

    put an artificial protective covering on (a tooth)

    “his smile revealed perfectly capped teeth”

  • Cap (verb)

    provide a fitting climax or conclusion to

    “he capped a memorable season by becoming champion of champions”

  • Cap (verb)

    follow or reply to (a story, remark, or joke) by producing a better one

    “he prayed no wit would cap his remark with some repartee”

  • Cap (verb)

    place a limit or restriction on (prices, expenditure, or borrowing)

    “council budgets will be capped”

  • Cap (verb)

    be chosen as a member of a particular sports team, especially a national one

    “he was capped ten times by England”

  • Cap (verb)

    confer a university degree on.

  • Fap (verb)

    (of a man) masturbate.

Oxford Dictionary

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