Main Difference
The main difference between Bridge and Viaduct is that the Bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles and Viaduct is a type of bridge crossing a valley or a gorge.
A bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles without closing the way underneath such as a body of water, valley, or road, for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle. There are many different designs that each serve a particular purpose and apply to different situations. Designs of bridges vary depending on the function of the bridge, the nature of the terrain where the bridge is constructed and anchored, the material used to make it, and the funds available to build it.
A viaduct is a bridge composed of several small spans for crossing a valley, dry or wetland, or forming an overpass or flyover.The term is conventional for a rail flyover as opposed to a flying junction or a rail bridge which crosses one feature.
The term viaduct is derived from the Latin via for road and ducere, to lead. The ancient Romans did not use the term; it is a nineteenth-century derivation from an analogy with aqueduct.Like the Roman aqueducts, many early viaducts comprised a series of arches of roughly equal length.
Bridge (noun)
A construction or natural feature that spans a divide.
Bridge (noun)
A construction spanning a waterway, ravine, or valley from an elevated height, allowing for the passage of vehicles, pedestrians, trains, etc.
“The rope bridge crosses the river.”
Bridge (noun)
The upper bony ridge of the human nose.
“Rugby players often break the bridge of their noses.”
Bridge (noun)
A teeth.
“The dentist pulled out the decayed tooth and put in a bridge.”
Bridge (noun)
An arch or superstructure.
Bridge (noun)
The gap between the holes on a bowling ball
Bridge (noun)
An elevated platform above the upper deck of a mechanically propelled ship from which it is navigated and from which all activities on deck can be seen and controlled by the captain, etc; smaller ships have a wheelhouse, and sailing ships were controlled from a quarterdeck.
“The first officer is on the bridge.”
Bridge (noun)
The piece, on string instruments, that supports the strings from the sounding board.
Bridge (noun)
A particular form of one hand placed on the table to support the cue when making a shot in cue sports.
Bridge (noun)
A cue modified with a convex arch-shaped notched head attached to the narrow end, used to support a player’s (shooter’s) cue for extended or tedious shots. Also called a spider.
Bridge (noun)
Anything supported at the ends and serving to keep some other thing from resting upon the object spanned, as in engraving, watchmaking, etc., or which forms a platform or staging over which something passes or is conveyed.
Bridge (noun)
A defensive position in which the wrestler is supported by his feet and head, belly-up, in order to prevent touch-down of the shoulders and eventually to dislodge an opponent who has established a position on top.
Bridge (noun)
A connection, real or abstract.
Bridge (noun)
A similar position in gymnastics.
Bridge (noun)
A rudimentary procedure before definite solution
“ECMO is used as a bridge to surgery to stabilize the patient.”
Bridge (noun)
A device which connects two or more buses, typically in a transparent manner.
“This chip is the bridge between the front-side bus and the I/O bus.”
Bridge (noun)
A system which connects two or more local area networks at layer 2.
“The LAN bridge uses a spanning tree algorithm.”
Bridge (noun)
An intramolecular valence bond, atom or chain of atoms that connects two different parts of a molecule; the atoms so connected being bridgeheads.
Bridge (noun)
An unintended solder connection between two or more components or pins.
Bridge (noun)
A song contained within another song, often demarcated by meter, key, or melody.
“The lyrics in the song’s bridge inverted its meaning.”
Bridge (noun)
An edge which, if removed, changes a connected graph to one that is not connected.
Bridge (noun)
A point in a line where a break in a word unit cannot occur.
Bridge (noun)
A statement, such as an offer, that signals a possibility of accord.
Bridge (noun)
Any of several electrical devices that measure characteristics such as impedance and inductance by balancing different parts of a circuit
Bridge (noun)
A low wall or vertical partition in the fire chamber of a furnace, for deflecting flame, etc.; a bridge wall.
Bridge (noun)
The situation where a lone rider or small group of riders closes the space between them and the rider or group in front.
Bridge (noun)
A solid crust of undissolved salt in a water softener.
Bridge (noun)
A card game played with four players playing as two teams of two players each.
“Bidding is an essential element of the game of bridge.”
Bridge (verb)
To be or make a bridge over something.
“With enough cable, we can bridge this gorge.”
Bridge (verb)
To span as if with a bridge.
“The two groups were able to bridge their differences.”
Bridge (verb)
To transition from one piece or section of music to another without stopping.
“We need to bridge that jam into “The Eleven”.”
Bridge (verb)
To connect two or more computer buses, networks etc. with a bridge.
Bridge (verb)
To go to the bridge position.
Viaduct (noun)
A bridge with several spans that carries road or rail traffic over a valley or other obstacles.
Bridge (noun)
a structure carrying a road, path, railway, etc. across a river, road, or other obstacle
“a bridge across the River Thames”
“a railway bridge”
Bridge (noun)
something intended to reconcile or connect two seemingly incompatible things
“a committee which was formed to create a bridge between rival party groups”
Bridge (noun)
short for land bridge
Bridge (noun)
the elevated, enclosed platform on a ship from which the captain and officers direct operations
“Talbot stepped across the two gunwales and made his way up to the bridge”
Bridge (noun)
the upper bony part of a person’s nose
“he pushed his spectacles further up the bridge of his nose”
Bridge (noun)
the central part of a pair of glasses, fitting over the bridge of the nose
“these sunglasses have a special nose bridge for comfort”
Bridge (noun)
a partial denture supported by natural teeth on either side.
Bridge (noun)
the part of a stringed instrument over which the strings are stretched
“ebony bridges and fingerboards”
Bridge (noun)
a bridge passage or middle eight.
Bridge (noun)
the support for the tip of a billiard cue formed by the hand.
Bridge (noun)
a long stick with a frame at the end which is used to support a cue for a difficult shot.
Bridge (noun)
an electric circuit with two branches across which a detector or load is connected, used to measure resistance or other property by equalizing the potential across the two ends of a detector, or to rectify an alternating voltage or current.
Bridge (noun)
a card game related to whist, played by two partnerships of two players who at the beginning of each hand bid for the right to name the trump suit, the highest bid also representing a contract to make a specified number of tricks with a specified suit as trumps.
Bridge (verb)
be or make a bridge over (something)
“earlier attempts to bridge St George’s Channel had failed”
“a covered walkway bridged the gardens”
Bridge (verb)
make (a difference between two groups) smaller or less significant
“new initiatives were needed to bridge the great abyss of class”
Viaduct (noun)
a long bridge-like structure, typically a series of arches, carrying a road or railway across a valley or other low ground.