Brace vs. Bracer

By Jaxson

  • Bracer

    A bracer (or arm-guard) is a strap or sheath, commonly made of leather, stone, or plastic that covers the inside of an archer’s arm to protect it while shooting. Bracers protect the inside of the archer’s forearm against injury by the string of the bow or the fletching of the arrow. They also prevent loose clothing from catching the bow string. They normally cover part of the forearm only, but chest-guards are sometimes worn, usually by female archers, and other areas have at times been protected. With some combinations of non-baggy clothing and bows with a larger distance between the bow and the string, the archer may not need to wear any bracer.

  • Brace (noun)

    Armor for the arm; vambrace.

  • Brace (noun)

    A measurement of length, originally representing a person’s outstretched arms.

  • Brace (noun)

    A curved instrument or handle of iron or wood, for holding and turning bits, etc.; a bitstock.

  • Brace (noun)

    That which holds anything tightly or supports it firmly; a bandage or a prop.

  • Brace (noun)

    A cord, ligament, or rod, for producing or maintaining tension.

  • Brace (noun)

    A thong used to regulate the tension of a drum.

  • Brace (noun)

    The state of being braced or tight; tension.

  • Brace (noun)

    Harness; warlike preparation.

  • Brace (noun)

    A curved, pointed line, also known as “curly bracket”: { or } connecting two or more words or lines, which are to be considered together, such as in {role, roll}; in music, used to connect staves.

  • Brace (noun)

    A pair, a couple; originally used of dogs, and later of animals generally and then other things, but rarely human persons. (The plural in this sense is unchanged.) In British use (as plural), this is a particularly common reference to game birds.

  • Brace (noun)

    A piece of material used to transmit, or change the direction of, weight or pressure; any one of the pieces, in a frame or truss, which divide the structure into triangular parts. It may act as a tie, or as a strut, and serves to prevent distortion of the structure, and transverse strains in its members. A boiler brace is a diagonal stay, connecting the head with the shell.

  • Brace (noun)

    A rope reeved through a block at the end of a yard, by which the yard is moved horizontally; also, a rudder gudgeon.

  • Brace (noun)

    The mouth of a shaft.

  • Brace (noun)

    Straps or bands to sustain trousers; suspenders.

  • Brace (noun)

    A system of wires, brackets, and elastic bands used to correct crooked teeth or to reduce overbite.

  • Brace (noun)

    Two goals scored by one player in a game.

  • Brace (verb)

    To prepare for something bad, such as an impact or blow.

    “All hands, brace for impact!”

    “Brace yourself!”

    “The boy has no idea about everything that’s been going on. You need to brace him for what’s about to happen.”

  • Brace (verb)

    To place in a position for resisting pressure; to hold firmly.

    “He braced himself against the crowd.”

  • Brace (verb)

    To swing round the yards of a square rigged ship, using braces, to present a more efficient sail surface to the direction of the wind.

    “to brace the yards”

  • Brace (verb)

    To stop someone for questioning, usually said of police.

  • Brace (verb)

    To confront with questions, demands or requests.

  • Brace (verb)

    To furnish with braces; to support; to prop.

    “to brace a beam in a building”

  • Brace (verb)

    To draw tight; to tighten; to put in a state of tension; to strain; to strengthen.

    “to brace the nerves”

  • Brace (verb)

    To bind or tie closely; to fasten tightly.

  • Bracer (noun)

    That which braces, binds, or makes firm; a band or bandage.

  • Bracer (noun)

    A covering to protect the arm of the bowman from the vibration of the string.

  • Bracer (noun)

    Armor for the forearm; a brassard.

  • Bracer (noun)

    A medicine, as an astringent or a tonic, which gives tension or tone to any part of the body.

  • Brace (noun)

    a device fitted to something, in particular a weak or injured part of the body, to give support

    “a neck brace”

  • Brace (noun)

    a strengthening piece of iron or timber used in building or carpentry.

  • Brace (noun)

    a wire device fitted in the mouth to straighten the teeth.

  • Brace (noun)

    a drilling tool with a crank handle and a socket to hold a bit.

  • Brace (noun)

    a rope attached to the yard of a ship for trimming the sail.

  • Brace (noun)

    a pair of straps that pass over the shoulders and fasten to the top of trousers at the front and back to hold them up.

  • Brace (noun)

    a pair of something, typically of birds or mammals killed in hunting

    “thirty brace of grouse”

  • Brace (noun)

    either of the two marks { and }, used either to indicate that two or more items on one side have the same relationship as each other to the single item to which the other side points, or in pairs to show that words between them are connected.

  • Brace (noun)

    a similar mark connecting staves to be performed at the same time.

  • Brace (verb)

    make (a structure) stronger or firmer with wood, iron, or other forms of support

    “the posts were braced by lengths of timber”

  • Brace (verb)

    press (one’s body or part of one’s body) firmly against something in order to stay balanced

    “she braced her feet against a projecting shelf”

    “he stood with legs braced”

  • Brace (verb)

    prepare (someone) for something difficult or unpleasant

    “both stations are bracing themselves for job losses”

Oxford Dictionary

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