Bold (noun)
A dwelling; habitation; building.
Bold (adjective)
Courageous, daring.
“Bold deeds win admiration and, sometimes, medals.”
Bold (adjective)
Visually striking; conspicuous.
“the painter’s bold use of colour and outline”
Bold (adjective)
Having thicker strokes than the ordinary form of the typeface.
“The last word of this sentence is bold.”
Bold (adjective)
Presumptuous, forward or impudent.
Bold (adjective)
Naughty; insolent; badly-behaved.
“All of her children are terribly bold and never do as they are told.”
Bold (adjective)
Bold (adjective)
Pornographic; depicting nudity.
Bold (adjective)
Steep or abrupt.
Bold (verb)
To make (a font or some text) bold.
Bold (verb)
To make bold or daring.
Bold (verb)
To become bold.
Brazen (adjective)
Pertaining to, made of, or resembling brass (in color or strength).
Brazen (adjective)
Sounding harsh and loud, like brass cymbals or brass instruments.
Brazen (adjective)
Extremely strong; impenetrable; resolute.
Brazen (adjective)
Shamelessly shocking and offensive; audacious; impudent; barefaced; immodest, unblushing. from 1570s.
“She was brazen enough to deny stealing the handbag even though she was caught on closed-circuit television doing so.”
Brazen (verb)
To turn a brass color.
Brazen (verb)
Generally followed by out or through: to carry through in a brazen manner; to act risk, etc. from 1550s.
Brazen (adjective)
bold and without shame
“a brazen hussy”
“he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance”
Brazen (adjective)
made of brass
“brazen fire irons”
Brazen (adjective)
harsh in sound
“the music’s brazen chords”
Brazen (verb)
endure an embarrassing or difficult situation by behaving with apparent confidence and lack of shame
“there was nothing to do but brazen it out”