Bent vs. Dent

By Jaxson

  • Bent (verb)

    simple past tense and past participle of bend

  • Bent (adjective)

    folded, dented

  • Bent (adjective)

    corrupt, dishonest

  • Bent (adjective)


  • Bent (adjective)

    Determined or insistent.

    “He was bent on going to Texas, but not even he could say why.”

    “They were bent on mischief.”

  • Bent (adjective)

    (Of a person) leading a life of crime.

  • Bent (adjective)

    inaccurately aimed

    “That shot was so bent it left the pitch.”

  • Bent (adjective)

    Suffering from the bends

  • Bent (adjective)

    High from both marijuana and alcohol.

    “Man, I am so bent right now!”

  • Bent (noun)

    An inclination or talent.

    “He had a natural bent for painting.”

  • Bent (noun)

    A predisposition to act or react in a particular way.

    “His mind was of a technical bent.”

  • Bent (noun)

    The state of being curved, crooked, or inclined from a straight line; flexure; curvity.

    “the bent of a bow”

  • Bent (noun)

    A declivity or slope, as of a hill.

  • Bent (noun)

    Particular direction or tendency; flexion; course.

  • Bent (noun)

    A transverse frame of a framed structure; a subunit of framing.

  • Bent (noun)

    Such a subunit as a component of a barn’s framing, joined to other bents by girts and summer beams.

  • Bent (noun)

    Tension; force of acting; energy; impetus.

  • Bent (noun)

    Any of various stiff or reedy grasses.

  • Bent (noun)

    A grassy area, grassland.

  • Bent (noun)

    The old dried stalks of grasses.

  • Dent (noun)

    A shallow deformation in the surface of an object, produced by an impact.

    “The crash produced a dent in the left side of the car.”

  • Dent (noun)

    A type of maize/corn with a relatively soft outer hull, and a soft type of starch that shrinks at maturity to leave an indentation in the surface of the kernel.

  • Dent (noun)

    A sudden negative change, such as loss, damage, weakening, consumption or diminution, especially one produced by an external force, event or action

    “That purchase put a bit of a dent in my wallet.”

  • Dent (noun)

    A tooth, as of a card, a gear wheel, etc.

  • Dent (noun)

    A slot or a wire in a reed

  • Dent (verb)

    To impact something, producing a dent.

  • Dent (verb)

    To develop a dent or dents.

    “Copper is soft and dents easily.”


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