Attendant vs. Attendee

By Jaxson

  • Attendant (noun)

    One who watches over something.

    “Give your keys to the parking attendants and they will park your car for you.”

  • Attendant (noun)

    A servant or valet.

  • Attendant (noun)

    A visitor or caller.

  • Attendant (noun)

    That which accompanies or follows.

  • Attendant (noun)

    One who owes a duty or service to another.

  • Attendant (adjective)

    Going with; associated; concomitant.

    “They promoted him to supervisor, with all the attendant responsibilities and privileges.”

  • Attendant (adjective)

    Depending on, or owing duty or service to.

    “the widow attendant to the heir”

  • Attendee (noun)

    A person who is in attendance or in the audience of an event.

  • Attendee (noun)

    A visitor or participant of an event.

  • Attendee (noun)

    A person who is attended.


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