Main Difference
The main difference between Monster and Human is that the Monster is a creature that is often hideous and may produce fear or physical harm and Human is a common name of Homo sapiens, unique extant species of the genus Homo
A monster is often a hideously grotesque animal or human, or a hybrid of both, whose appearance frightens and whose powers of destruction threaten the human world’s social or moral order.
Animal monsters are outside the moral order, but sometimes have their origin in some human violation of the moral law (e.g. in the Greek myth, Minos does not sacrifice the white bull Poseidon sent him to the god, so as punishment Poseidon makes Minos’ wife, Pasiphaë, fall in love with the bull, and she copulates with the beast, and gives birth to the man with a bull’s head, the Minotaur). Human monsters are those who by birth were never fully human (Medusa and her sisters) or who through some supernatural or unnatural act lost their humanity (werewolves, Frankenstein’s monster), and so who can no longer, or who never could, follow the moral law of human society.
Monsters pre-date written history, and the academic study of the particular cultural notions expressed in a society’s ideas of monsters is known as monstrophy.Monsters have appeared in literature and in feature-length films. Well-known monsters in fiction include Count Dracula, Frankenstein’s monster, werewolves, mummies, and zombies.
Humans (Homo sapiens) are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae (the great apes, or hominids). A terrestrial animal, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.Early hominins—particularly the australopithecines, whose brains and anatomy are in many ways more similar to ancestral non-human apes—are less often referred to as “human” than hominins of the genus Homo. Several of these hominins used fire, occupied much of Eurasia, and gave rise to anatomically modern Homo sapiens in Africa about 315,000 years ago. Humans began to exhibit evidence of behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago, and in several waves of migration, they ventured out of Africa and populated most of the world.The spread of the large and increasing population of humans has had a profound impact on large areas of the environment and millions of native species worldwide. Advantages that explain this evolutionary success include a relatively larger brain with a particularly well-developed neocortex, prefrontal cortex and temporal lobes, which enable high levels of abstract reasoning, language, problem solving, sociality, and culture through social learning. Humans use tools to a much higher degree than any other animal, are the only extant species known to build fires and cook their food, and are the only extant species to clothe themselves and create and use numerous other technologies and arts.
Humans are uniquely adept at using systems of symbolic communication (such as language and art) for self-expression and the exchange of ideas, and for organizing themselves into purposeful groups. Humans create complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups, from families and kinship networks to political states. Social interactions between humans have established an extremely wide variety of values, social norms, and rituals, which together form the basis of human society. Curiosity and the human desire to understand and influence the environment and to explain and manipulate phenomena (or events) has provided the foundation for developing science, philosophy, mythology, religion, anthropology, and numerous other fields of knowledge.
Though most of human existence has been sustained by hunting and gathering in band societies, increasing numbers of human societies began to practice sedentary agriculture approximately some 10,000 years ago, domesticating plants and animals, thus allowing for the growth of civilization. These human societies subsequently expanded in size, establishing various forms of government, religion, and culture around the world, unifying people within regions to form states and empires. The rapid advancement of scientific and medical understanding in the 19th and 20th centuries led to the development of fuel-driven technologies and increased lifespans, causing the human population to rise exponentially. As of 2015 the global human population was estimated to be near 7.7 billion.
Monster (noun)
A terrifying and dangerous creature.
Monster (noun)
A bizarre or whimsical creature.
“The children decided Grovyle was a cuddly monster.”
Monster (noun)
An extremely cruel or antisocial person, especially a criminal.
“Get away from those children, you meatheaded monster!”
Monster (noun)
A horribly deformed person.
Monster (noun)
A badly behaved child, a brat.
“Sit still, you little monster!”
Monster (noun)
Something unusually large.
“Have you seen those powerlifters on TV? They’re monsters.”
Monster (noun)
A prodigy; someone very talented in a specific domain.
“That dude playing guitar is a monster.”
Monster (noun)
a non-player character that player(s) fight against in role-playing game
Monster (adjective)
Very large; worthy of a monster.
“He has a monster appetite.”
Monster (adjective)
Great; very good; excellent.
Monster (verb)
To make into a monster; to categorise as a monster; to demonise.
Monster (verb)
To behave as a monster to; to terrorise.
Monster (verb)
To harass.
Human (adjective)
Of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens or its closest relatives.
Human (adjective)
Having the nature or attributes of a human being.
“To err is human; to forgive, divine.”
Human (noun)
A human being, whether man, woman or child.
“Humans share common ancestors with other apes.”
“human being|man|→ Thes:person”
Human (verb)
To behave as or become, or to cause to behave as or become, a human.
Monster (noun)
a large, ugly, and frightening imaginary creature
“a monster with the head of a hyena and hindquarters of a wolf”
“a world of fable, inhabited by other-worldly monsters”
Monster (noun)
an inhumanly cruel or wicked person
“he was an unfeeling, treacherous monster”
Monster (noun)
a rude or badly behaved person, typically a child
“he’s only a year old, but already he is a little monster”
Monster (noun)
a thing of extraordinary or daunting size
“this is a monster of a book, almost 500 pages”
“a monster 36lb carp”
Monster (noun)
a congenitally malformed or mutant animal or plant.
Monster (verb)
criticize or reprimand severely
“my mum used to monster me for coming home so late”
Human (adjective)
relating to or characteristic of humankind
“the human body”
“the complex nature of the human mind”
Human (adjective)
of or characteristic of people as opposed to God or animals or machines, especially in being susceptible to weaknesses
“they are only human and therefore mistakes do occur”
“the risk of human error”
Human (adjective)
showing the better qualities of humankind, such as kindness
“the human side of politics is getting stronger”
Human (adjective)
of or belonging to the genus Homo.
Human (noun)
a human being.