Silly vs. Sully

By Jaxson

  • Silly (adjective)

    Laughable or amusing through foolishness or a foolish appearance.

  • Silly (adjective)

    Blessed, particularly:

  • Silly (adjective)

    Absurdly large.

  • Silly (adjective)

    Good; pious.

  • Silly (adjective)

    Pitiful, inspiring compassion, particularly:

  • Silly (adjective)


  • Silly (adjective)

    Innocent; suffering undeservedly, especially as an epithet of lambs and sheep.

  • Silly (adjective)

    Helpless, defenseless.

  • Silly (adjective)

    Insignificant, worthless, especially with regard to land quality.

  • Silly (adjective)

    Weak, frail; flimsy use concerning people and animals is now obsolete.

  • Silly (adjective)

    Simple, plain, particularly:

  • Silly (adjective)

    Sickly; feeble; infirm.

  • Silly (adjective)

    Rustic, homely.

  • Silly (adjective)

    Mentally simple, foolish, particularly:

  • Silly (adjective)

    Lowly, of humble station.

  • Silly (adjective)

    Rustic, uneducated, unlearned.

  • Silly (adjective)

    Thoughtless, lacking judgment.

  • Silly (adjective)

    Mentally retarded.

  • Silly (adjective)

    Very close to the batsman, facing the bowler; closer than short.

  • Silly (adverb)

    Sillily: in a silly manner.

  • Silly (noun)

    A silly person.

  • Silly (noun)

    A term of address.

  • Silly (noun)

    A mistake.

  • Sully (verb)

    To soil or stain; to dirty.


    “He did not wish to sully his hands with gardening.”

  • Sully (verb)

    To corrupt or damage.

    “She tried to sully her rival’s reputation with a suggestive comment.”

  • Sully (verb)

    To become soiled or tarnished.

  • Sully (noun)

    A blemish.

  • Silly (adjective)

    having or showing a lack of common sense or judgement; absurd and foolish

    “another of his silly jokes”

    “‘Don’t be silly!’ she said”

  • Silly (adjective)

    ridiculously trivial or frivolous

    “he would brood about silly things”

  • Silly (adjective)

    used to convey that an activity or process has been engaged in to such a degree that someone is no longer capable of thinking or acting sensibly

    “he often drank himself silly”

    “his mother worried herself silly over him”

  • Silly (adjective)

    (especially of a woman, child, or animal) helpless; defenceless.

  • Silly (adjective)

    denoting fielding positions very close to the batsman

    “silly mid-on”

  • Silly (noun)

    a foolish person (often used as a form of address)

    “come on, silly”

Oxford Dictionary

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