Distant vs. Distance

By Jaxson

  • Distance

    Distance is a numerical measurement of how far apart objects are. In physics or everyday usage, distance may refer to a physical length or an estimation based on other criteria (e.g. “two counties over”). In most cases, “distance from A to B” is interchangeable with “distance from B to A”. In mathematics, a distance function or metric is a generalization of the concept of physical distance. A metric is a function that behaves according to a specific set of rules, and is a way of describing what it means for elements of some space to be “close to” or “far away from” each other.

  • Distant (adjective)

    Far off (physically, logically or mentally).

    “We heard a distant rumbling but didn’t pay any more attention to it.”

    “She was surprised to find that her fiancĂ© was a distant relative of hers.”

    “His distant look showed that he was not listening to me.”

  • Distant (adjective)

    Emotionally unresponsive or unwilling to express genuine feelings.

    “Ever since our argument, she has been totally distant toward me.”

  • Distance (noun)

    The amount of space between two points, usually geographical points, usually (but not necessarily) measured along a straight line.

    “The distance to Petersborough is thirty miles.”

    “From Moscow, the distance is relatively short to Saint Petersburg, relatively long to Novosibirsk, but even greater to Vladivostok.”

  • Distance (noun)

    Length or interval of time.

  • Distance (noun)

    The difference; the subjective measure between two quantities.

    “We’re narrowing the distance between the two versions of the bill.”

    “The distance between the lowest and next gear on my bicycle is annoying.”

  • Distance (noun)

    Remoteness of place; a remote place.

  • Distance (noun)

    Remoteness in succession or relation.

    “the distance between a descendant and his ancestor”

  • Distance (noun)

    A space marked out in the last part of a racecourse.

  • Distance (noun)

    The entire amount of progress to an objective.

    “He had promised to perform this task, but did not go the distance.”

  • Distance (noun)

    A withholding of intimacy; alienation; variance.

    “The friendship did not survive the row: they kept each other at a distance.”

  • Distance (noun)

    The remoteness or reserve which respect requires; hence, respect; ceremoniousness.

  • Distance (verb)

    To move away (from) someone or something.

    “He distanced himself from the comments made by some of his colleagues.”

  • Distance (verb)

    To leave at a distance; to outpace, leave behind.

  • Distant (adjective)

    far away in space or time

    “distant parts of the world”

    “I remember that distant afternoon”

  • Distant (adjective)

    (after a measurement) at a specified distance

    “the town lay half a mile distant”

    “the star is 30,000 light years distant from Earth”

  • Distant (adjective)

    (of a sound) faint because far away

    “the distant bark of some farm dog”

  • Distant (adjective)

    remote or far apart in resemblance or relationship

    “a distant acquaintance”

  • Distant (adjective)

    (of a person) not closely related

    “a distant cousin of the King”

  • Distant (adjective)

    (of a person) not intimate; cool or reserved

    “she and my father were distant with each other”

    “his children found him strangely distant”

  • Distant (adjective)

    not paying attention; remote

    “a distant look in his eyes”

  • Distance (noun)

    the length of the space between two points

    “you may have to walk long distances”

    “I cycled the short distance home”

  • Distance (noun)

    the condition of being far off; remoteness

    “distance makes things look small”

  • Distance (noun)

    a far-off point

    “watching them from a distance”

  • Distance (noun)

    the more remote part of what is visible or discernible

    “they sped off into the distance”

    “I heard police sirens in the distance”

  • Distance (noun)

    an interval of time

    “the sort of goal which remains in the memory even at a distance of six years”

  • Distance (noun)

    the full length of a race

    “he claimed the 100 m title in only his second race over the distance”

  • Distance (noun)

    a space of more than twenty lengths between two finishers in a race

    “he stormed home by a distance in the Handicap Chase”

  • Distance (noun)

    a length of 240 yards from the winning post on a racecourse.

  • Distance (noun)

    the distance from the winning post which a horse must have reached when the winner finishes in order to qualify for a subsequent heat.

  • Distance (noun)

    the scheduled length of a fight

    “he has won his first five fights inside the distance”

  • Distance (noun)

    the avoidance of familiarity; reserve

    “a mix of warmth and distance makes a good neighbour”

  • Distance (verb)

    make (someone or something) far off or remote in position or nature

    “her mother wished to distance her from the rough village children”

  • Distance (verb)

    declare that one is not connected with or a supporter of (someone or something)

    “he sought to distance himself from the proposals”

  • Distance (verb)

    beat (a horse) by a distance.

Oxford Dictionary

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