Accident vs. Incident

By Jaxson

  • Accident

    An accident, also known as an unintentional injury, is an undesirable, incidental, and unplanned event that could have been prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence. Most scientists who study unintentional injury avoid using the term “accident” and focus on factors that increase risk of severe injury and that reduce injury incidence and severity.

  • Accident (noun)

    An unexpected event with negative consequences occurring without the intention of the one suffering the consequences.

    “to die by an accident”

  • Accident (noun)

    Especially, a collision or similar unintended event that causes damage or death.

    “There was a huge accident on I5 involving 15 automobiles.”

    “My insurance went up after the second accident in three months.”

  • Accident (noun)

    Any chance event.

  • Accident (noun)


  • Accident (noun)

    Any property, fact, or relation that is the result of chance or is nonessential.

    “Beauty is an accident.”

  • Accident (noun)

    An instance of incontinence.

  • Accident (noun)

    An unintended pregnancy.

  • Accident (noun)

    A quality or attribute in distinction from the substance, as sweetness, softness.

  • Accident (noun)

    A property attached to a word, but not essential to it, such as gender, number, or case.

  • Accident (noun)

    An irregular surface feature with no apparent cause.

  • Accident (noun)

    A point or mark which may be retained or omitted in a coat of arms.

  • Accident (noun)

    casus; such unforeseen, extraordinary, extraneous interference as is out of the range of ordinary calculation.

  • Accident (noun)

    Appearance, manifestation.

  • Incident (noun)

    An event or occurrence.

  • Incident (noun)

    A (relatively minor) event that is incidental to, or related to others.

  • Incident (noun)

    An event that causes or may cause an interruption or a crisis, such as a workplace illness or a software error.

  • Incident (adjective)

    Arising as the result of an event, inherent.

  • Incident (adjective)

    Falling on or striking a surface.

    “The incident light illuminated the surface.”

  • Incident (adjective)

    Coming or happening accidentally; not in the usual course of things; not in connection with the main design; not according to expectation; casual; fortuitous.

  • Incident (adjective)

    Liable to happen; apt to occur; befalling; hence, naturally happening or appertaining.

  • Incident (adjective)

    Dependent upon, or appertaining to, another thing, called the principal.

  • Accident (noun)

    an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury

    “if you are unable to work owing to accident or sickness”

    “he had an accident at the factory”

  • Accident (noun)

    a crash involving road or other vehicles

    “four people were killed in a road accident”

  • Accident (noun)

    an incidence of incontinence by a child or animal

    “he had a little accident, but I washed his shorts out”

  • Accident (noun)

    an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause

    “the pregnancy was an accident”

    “it is no accident that Manchester has produced more than its fair share of professional comics”

  • Accident (noun)

    the working of fortune; chance

    “members belong to the House of Lords through hereditary right or accident of birth”

  • Accident (noun)

    (in Aristotelian thought) a property of a thing which is not essential to its nature.

Oxford Dictionary

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