Marketing vs. Market

By Jaxson

  • Marketing

    Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process of creating relationships with and satisfying customers. With its focus on the customer, marketing is one of the premier components of business management.

  • Marketing (verb)

    present participle of market

  • Marketing (noun)

    Buying and selling in a market.

  • Marketing (noun)

    The promotion, distribution and selling of a product or service; the work of a marketer; includes market research and advertising.

  • Marketing (noun)

    Shopping, going to market.

  • Market (noun)

    City square or other fairly spacious site where traders set up stalls and buyers browse the merchandise.

  • Market (noun)

    An organised, often periodic, trading event at such site.

    “The privilege to hold a weekly market was invaluable for any feudal era burgh.”

  • Market (noun)

    Flea market

  • Market (noun)

    A group of potential customers for one’s product.

    “We believe that the market for the new widget is the older homeowner.”

  • Market (noun)

    A geographical area where a certain commercial demand exists.

    “Foreign markets were lost as our currency rose versus their valuta.”

  • Market (noun)

    A formally organized, sometimes monopolistic, system of trading in specified goods or effects.

    “The stock market ceased to be monopolized by the paper-shuffling national stock exchanges with the advent of Internet markets.”

  • Market (noun)

    The sum total traded in a process of individuals trading for certain commodities.

  • Market (noun)

    The price for which a thing is sold in a market; hence, value; worth.

  • Market (verb)

    To make (products or services) available for sale and promote them.

    “We plan to market an ecology model by next quarter.”

  • Market (verb)

    To sell

    “”We marketed more this quarter already then all last year!”

  • Market (verb)

    To deal in a market; to buy or sell; to make bargains for provisions or goods.


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