In mathematics and computer science, apply is a function that applies functions to arguments. It is central to programming languages derived from lambda calculus, such as LISP and Scheme, and also in functional languages. It has a role in the study of the denotational semantics of computer programs, because it is a continuous function on complete partial orders. Apply is also a continuous function in homotopy theory, and, indeed underpins the entire theory: it allows a homotopy deformation to be viewed as a continuous path in the space of functions. Likewise, valid mutations (refactorings) of computer programs can be seen as those that are “continuous” in the Scott topology.
The most general setting for apply is in category theory, where it is right adjoint to currying in closed monoidal categories. A special case of this are the Cartesian closed categories, whose internal language is simply typed lambda calculus.
Applicate (noun)
An applied material; an application
Applicate (noun)
A line at right angles to the axis of a conic section that extends from the axis to the curve
Applicate (noun)
The z-coordinate, similar to abscissa and ordinate for the x- and y-coordinates, respectively.
Applicate (verb)
To apply (a material to a surface)
Applicate (adjective)
Applied or put to some use.
Apply (verb)
To lay or place; to put (one thing to another)
“to apply cream to a rash”
Apply (verb)
To put to use; to use or employ for a particular purpose, or in a particular case; to appropriate; to devote
“to apply funds to the repayment of a debt”
Apply (verb)
To make use of, declare, or pronounce, as suitable, fitting, or relative; as, to apply the testimony to the case
Apply (verb)
To fix closely; to engage and employ diligently, or with attention; to attach; to incline.
Apply (verb)
To betake; to address; to refer; generally used reflexively.
Apply (verb)
To submit oneself as a candidate (with the adposition “to” designating the recipient of the submission, and the adposition “for” designating the position).
“I recently applied to the tavern for a job as a bartender.”
“Most of the colleges she applied to were ones she thought she had a good chance of getting into.”
“Many of them don’t know it, but almost a third of the inmates are eligible to apply for parole or work-release programs.”
Apply (verb)
To pertain or be relevant to a specified individual or group.
“That rule only applies to foreigners.”
Apply (verb)
To busy; to keep at work; to ply.
Apply (verb)
To visit.
Apply (adjective)
alternative spelling of appley
Applicate (adjective)
Having an application; able to be applied; applicable, pertinent, relevant, suitable. Now rare.
Applicate (noun)
Geometry. In conic sections: an ordinate. More fully “ordinate applicate”. Now historical.
Applicate (verb)
To apply or put to use.
Apply (verb)
make a formal application or request
“a number of people have applied to vote by proxy”
“you need to apply to the local authority for a grant”
Apply (verb)
put oneself forward formally as a candidate for a job
“she had applied for a number of positions”
Apply (verb)
be applicable or relevant
“normal rules apply”
“prices do not apply to public holiday periods”
Apply (verb)
bring or put into operation or use
“the oil industry has failed to apply appropriate standards of care”
Apply (verb)
put or spread (a substance) on a surface
“the sealer can be applied to new wood”
Apply (verb)
use; exert
“smooth over with a cloth, applying even pressure”
Apply (verb)
give one’s full attention to a task; work hard
“for two years, she applied herself to her studies with dedication”