Today (adverb)
On the current day or date.
“I want this done today.”
“Today, my brother went to the shops.”
Today (adverb)
In the current era; nowadays.
“In the 1500s, people had to do things by hand, but today we have electric can openers.”
Today (noun)
A current day or date.
“current day|this day”
“Today is the day we’ll fix this once and for all.”
Today (noun)
From 6am to 6pm on the current day.
Tomorrow (adverb)
On the day after the present day.
Tomorrow (adverb)
At some point in the future; later on
“If you don’t get your life on track today, you’re going to be very sorry tomorrow.”
Tomorrow (noun)
The day after the present day.
Today (adverb)
on or in the course of this present day
“he will appear in court today”
“she’s thirty today”
Today (adverb)
at the present period of time; nowadays
“millions of people in Britain today cannot afford adequate housing”
Today (noun)
this present day
“today is a rest day”
“today’s match against United”
Today (noun)
the present period of time
“the powerful computers of today”
“today’s society”
Tomorrow (adverb)
on the day after today
“the show opens tomorrow”
Tomorrow (adverb)
in the future, especially the near future
“fickle buyers who may be gone tomorrow”
Tomorrow (noun)
the day after today
“tomorrow is going to be a special day”
Tomorrow (noun)
the future, especially the near future
“today’s engineers are tomorrow’s buyers”