Stock vs. Remainder

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The main difference between Stock and Remainder is that the Stock is a financial instrument and Remainder is a the amount left over after dividing one integer by another.

  • Stock

    The stock (also capital stock) of a corporation is constituted of the equity stock of its owners. A single share of the stock represents fractional ownership of the corporation in proportion to the total number of shares. In liquidation, the stock represents the residual assets of the company that would be due to stockholders after discharge of all senior claims such as secured and unsecured debt. Stockholders’ equity cannot be withdrawn from the company in a way that is intended to be detrimental to the company’s creditors.

  • Remainder

    In mathematics, the remainder is the amount “left over” after performing some computation. In arithmetic, the remainder is the integer “left over” after dividing one integer by another to produce an integer quotient (integer division). In algebra, the remainder is the polynomial “left over” after dividing one polynomial by another. The modulo operation is the operation that produces such a remainder when given a dividend and divisor.

    Formally it is also true that a remainder is what is left after subtracting one number from another, although this is more precisely called the difference. This usage can be found in some elementary textbooks; colloquially it is replaced by the expression “the rest” as in “Give me two dollars back and keep the rest.” However, the term “remainder” is still used in this sense when a function is approximated by a series expansion and the error expression (“the rest”) is referred to as the remainder term.

  • Stock (noun)

    A store or supply.

  • Stock (noun)

    A store of goods ready for sale; inventory.

    “We have a stock of televisions on hand.”

  • Stock (noun)

    A supply of anything ready for use.

    “Lay in a stock of wood for the winter season.”

  • Stock (noun)

    Railroad rolling stock.

  • Stock (noun)

    A stack of undealt cards made available to the players.

  • Stock (noun)

    Farm or ranch animals; livestock.

  • Stock (noun)

    The capital raised by a company through the issue of shares. The total of shares held by an individual shareholder.

  • Stock (noun)

    The population of a given type of animal (especially fish) available to be captured from the wild for economic use.

  • Stock (noun)

    The price or value of the stock for a company on the stock market.

    “When the bad news came out, the company’s stock dropped precipitously.”

  • Stock (noun)

    The measure of how highly a person or institution is valued.

    “After that last screw-up of mine, my stock is pretty low around here.”

  • Stock (noun)

    The raw material from which things are made; feedstock.

  • Stock (noun)

    Any of several types of security that are similar to a stock, or marketed like one.

  • Stock (noun)

    Broth made from meat (originally bones) or vegetables, used as a basis for stew or soup.

  • Stock (noun)

    The type of paper used in printing.

    “The books were printed on a heavier stock this year.”

  • Stock (noun)

    Undeveloped film; film stock.

  • Stock (noun)

    Stock theater, summer stock theater.

  • Stock (noun)

    The trunk and woody main stems of a tree. The base from which something grows or branches.

  • Stock (noun)

    Plain soap before it is coloured and perfumed.

  • Stock (noun)

    The grafted.

  • Stock (noun)

    lineage, family, ancestry.

  • Stock (noun)

    Any of the several species of cruciferous flowers in the genus Matthiola.

  • Stock (noun)

    A handle or stem to which the working part of an implement or weapon is attached.

  • Stock (noun)

    A larger grouping of language families: a superfamily or macrofamily.

  • Stock (noun)

    The part of a rifle or shotgun that rests against the shooter’s shoulder.

  • Stock (noun)

    Part of a machine that supports items or holds them in place.

  • Stock (noun)

    The handle of a whip, fishing rod, etc.

  • Stock (noun)

    The headstock of a lathe, drill, etc.

  • Stock (noun)

    A bar, stick or rod.

  • Stock (noun)

    The tailstock of a lathe.

  • Stock (noun)

    A ski pole.

  • Stock (noun)

    A bar going through an anchor, perpendicular to the flukes.

  • Stock (noun)

    The axle attached to the rudder, which transfers the movement of the helm to the rudder.

  • Stock (noun)

    A type of (now formal or official) neckwear.

  • Stock (noun)

    A pipe (vertical cylinder of ore)

  • Stock (noun)

    A necktie or cravat, particularly a wide necktie popular in the eighteenth century, often seen today as a part of formal wear for horse riding competitions.

  • Stock (noun)

    A bed for infants; a crib, cot, or cradle

  • Stock (noun)

    A piece of wood magically made to be just like a real baby and substituted for it by magical beings.

  • Stock (noun)

    A cover for the legs; a stocking.

  • Stock (noun)

    A block of wood; something fixed and solid; a pillar; a firm support; a post.

  • Stock (noun)

    A person who is as dull and lifeless as a stock or post; one who has little sense.

  • Stock (noun)

    The longest part of a split tally stick formerly struck in the exchequer, which was delivered to the person who had lent the king money on account, as the evidence of indebtedness.

  • Stock (noun)

    The frame or timbers on which a ship rests during construction.

  • Stock (noun)

    Red and grey bricks, used for the exterior of walls and the front of buildings.

  • Stock (noun)

    In tectology, an aggregate or colony of individuals, such as as trees, chains of salpae, etc.

  • Stock (noun)

    The beater of a fulling mill.

  • Stock (noun)

    A thrust with a rapier; a stoccado.

  • Stock (verb)

    To have on hand for sale.

    “The store stocks all kinds of dried vegetables.”

  • Stock (verb)

    To provide with material requisites; to store; to fill; to supply.

    “to stock a warehouse with goods”

    “to stock a farm, i.e. to supply it with cattle and tools”

    “to stock land, i.e. to occupy it with a permanent growth, especially of grass”

  • Stock (verb)

    To allow (cows) to retain milk for twenty-four hours or more prior to sale.

  • Stock (verb)

    To put in the stocks as punishment.

  • Stock (verb)

    To fit (an anchor) with a stock, or to fasten the stock firmly in place.

  • Stock (verb)

    To arrange cards in a certain manner for cheating purposes; to stack the deck.

  • Stock (adjective)

    Of a type normally available for purchase/in stock.

    “stock items”

    “stock sizes”

  • Stock (adjective)

    Having the same configuration as cars sold to the non-racing public, or having been modified from such a car.

  • Stock (adjective)

    Straightforward, ordinary, just another, very basic.

    “That band is quite stock”

    “He gave me a stock answer”

  • Remainder (noun)

    A part or parts remaining after some has/have been removed.

    “My son ate part of his cake and I ate the remainder.”

    “You can have the remainder of my clothes.”

  • Remainder (noun)

    The amount left over after subtracting the divisor as many times as possible from the dividend without producing a negative result. If n (dividend) and d (divisor) are integers, then n can always be expressed in the form n = dq + r, where q (quotient) and r (remainder) are also integers and 0 ≤ r < d.

    “17 leaves a remainder of 2 when divided by 3.”

    “11 divided by 2 is 5 remainder 1.”

  • Remainder (noun)

    The number left over after a simple subtraction

    “10 minus 4 leaves a remainder of 6”

  • Remainder (noun)

    Excess stock items left unsold and subject to reduction in price.

    “I got a really good price on this shirt because it was a remainder.”

  • Remainder (noun)

    An estate in expectancy which only comes in its heir’s possession after an estate created by the same instrument has been determined

  • Remainder (adjective)


  • Remainder (verb)

    To mark or declare items left unsold as subject to reduction in price.

    “The bookstore remaindered the unsold copies of that book at the end of summer at a reduced price.”

  • Remainder (noun)

    a part of something that is left over when other parts have been completed, used, or dealt with

    “the remainder of the year”

    “leave a few mushrooms for garnish and slice the remainder”

  • Remainder (noun)

    the number which is left over in a division in which one quantity does not exactly divide another

    “23 divided by 3 is 7, remainder 2”

  • Remainder (noun)

    a copy of a book left unsold when demand has fallen

    “it seems that buying and selling remainders is the lowest form of bookselling”

  • Remainder (noun)

    a property interest that becomes effective in possession only when a prior interest (created at the same time) ends.

  • Remainder (verb)

    dispose of (a book left unsold) at a reduced price

    “titles are being remaindered increasingly quickly to save on overheads”

Oxford Dictionary

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