Fork vs. Spork

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The main difference between Fork and Spork is that the Fork is a piece of cutlery or kitchenware with two or more tines and Spork is a hybrid form of cutlery taking the form of a spoon-like shallow scoop with three or four fork.

  • Fork

    In cutlery or kitchenware, a fork (from the Latin furca (“pitchfork”)) is a utensil, now usually made of metal, whose long handle terminates in a head that branches into several narrow and often slightly curved tines with which one can spear foods either to hold them to cut with a knife or to lift them to the mouth.

  • Spork

    A spork (a portmanteau of spoon and fork), is a hybrid form of cutlery taking the form of a spoon-like shallow scoop with two to four fork tines. Spork-like utensils, such as the terrapin fork or ice cream fork, have been manufactured since the late 19th century; patents for spork-like designs date back to at least 1874, and the word “spork” was registered as a trademark in the US and the UK decades later. They are used by fast food restaurants, schools, prisons, the military, backpackers and in airline meals.

    The word spork combines spoon and fork. It appeared in the 1909 supplement to the Century Dictionary, where it was described as a trade name and “a ‘portmanteau-word’ applied to a long, slender spoon having, at the end of the bowl, projections resembling the tines of a fork”.

  • Fork (noun)

    A pronged tool having a long straight handle, used for digging, lifting, throwing etc.


  • Fork (noun)

    A pronged tool for use in the garden; a smaller hand fork for weeding etc., or larger for turning over the soil.

  • Fork (noun)

    A gallows.

  • Fork (noun)

    A utensil with spikes used to put solid food into the mouth, or to hold food down while cutting.

  • Fork (noun)

    A tuning fork.

  • Fork (noun)

    An intersection in a road or path where one road is split into two.

  • Fork (noun)

    One of the parts into which anything is furcated or divided; a prong; a branch of a stream, a road, etc.; a barbed point, as of an arrow.

  • Fork (noun)

    A point where a waterway, such as a river, splits and goes two (or more) different directions.

  • Fork (noun)

    Used in the names of some river tributaries, e.g. West Fork White River and East Fork White River, joining together to form the White River of Indiana

  • Fork (noun)

    A point in time where one has to make a decision between two life paths.

  • Fork (noun)

    The simultaneous attack of two adversary pieces with one single attacking piece (especially a knight).

  • Fork (noun)

    A splitting-up of an existing executing parts of the same program.

  • Fork (noun)

    An event where development of some free software or open-source software is split into two or more separate projects.

  • Fork (noun)

    The, or one of the, software project(s) that underwent changes in such an event; a software project split off from a main project.

    “LibreOffice is a fork of OpenOffice.”

  • Fork (noun)

    A split in a blockchain resulting from protocol disagreements, or a branch of the blockchain resulting from such a split.

  • Fork (noun)


  • Fork (noun)

    A forklift.

    “Are you qualified to drive a fork?”

  • Fork (noun)

    The individual blades of a forklift.

  • Fork (noun)

    In a bicycle, the portion of the frameset holding the front wheel, allowing the rider to steer and balance.

    “The fork can be equipped with a suspension on mountain bikes.”

  • Fork (verb)

    To divide into two or more branches.

    “A road, a tree, or a stream forks.”

  • Fork (verb)

    To move with a fork (as hay or food).

  • Fork (verb)

    To duplicating the existing process.

  • Fork (verb)

    To split a (software) project into several projects.

  • Fork (verb)

    To split a (software) distributed version control repository

  • Fork (verb)

    To kick someone in the crotch.

  • Fork (verb)

    To shoot into blades, as corn does.

  • Spork (noun)

    An eating utensil shaped like a spoon, the bowl of which is divided into tines like those of a fork, and so has the function of both implements; some sporks have a serrated edge so they can also function as a knife.

  • Spork (verb)

    To move or impale (food etc.) with a spork.

  • Spork (noun)

    a spoon-shaped eating utensil with short tines at the tip.

Oxford Dictionary

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