Endure is a 2010 crime thriller film directed and written by Joe O’Brien. It stars Judd Nelson, Devon Sawa, Tom Arnold and Joey Lauren Adams. The story revolves around a police detective investigating a photo of a female victim who is gagged and restrained to a tree, which is found inside a car involved in a fatal car crash.
Indure (verb)
obsolete spelling of endure
Endure (verb)
To continue or carry on, despite obstacles or hardships.
“The singer’s popularity endured for decades.”
Endure (verb)
To tolerate or put up with something unpleasant.
Endure (verb)
To last.
“Our love will endure forever.”
Endure (verb)
To remain firm, as under trial or suffering; to suffer patiently or without yielding; to bear up under adversity; to hold out.
Endure (verb)
To suffer patiently.
“He endured years of pain.”
Endure (verb)
To indurate.