Separate (adjective)
Apart from (the rest); not connected to or attached to (anything else).
“This chair can be disassembled into five separate pieces.”
Separate (adjective)
Not together (with); not united (to).
“I try to keep my personal life separate from work.”
Separate (verb)
To divide (a thing) into separate parts.
“Separate the articles from the headings.”
Separate (verb)
To disunite something from one thing; To disconnect.
Separate (verb)
To cause (things or people) to be separate.
“If the kids get too noisy, separate them for a few minutes.”
Separate (verb)
To divide itself into separate pieces or substances.
“The sauce will separate if you don’t keep stirring.”
Separate (verb)
To set apart; to select from among others, as for a special use or service.
Separate (noun)
Anything that is sold by itself, especially an article of clothing.
Seperate (adjective)
misspelling of separate
Seperate (verb)
misspelling of separate