Difference between Gyri and Sulci

By Jaxson

Main Difference

Gryi is the folds or hard surfaces present on the surface of the brain and has two clefts on the cerebral. On the other hand, Sulci are the grooves or furrows present on the surface of the brain and help to perform different tasks.

Comparison Chart

Basis of Distinction Gyri Sulci
Definition The folds or hard surfaces present on the surface of the brain and has two clefts on the cerebral. The grooves or furrows present on the surface of the brain and help to perform different tasks.
Benefit Both contribute to building the surface territory of the cerebral cortex. Both of their action enables more neurons to be pressed into the cortex and builds the mind’s capacity to process data.
Example Superior, middle and inferior frontal gyri, precentral and postcentral gyri, superior and middle temporal gyri. Superior frontal and inferior frontal sulci, central sulcus, superior and inferior temporal sulci.
Location Outer surface. Between the gyri.


Gryi is the folds or hard surfaces present on the surface of the brain and has two clefts on the cerebral. It mostly has other parts that help to protect it from the outside and internal damage and therefore come with many delicate features. The gyri are a piece of an arrangement of folds and edges that make a bigger surface range for the human mind and other mammalian brains. Since the cerebrum kept to the skull, brain size is constrained. Edges and dejections make folds permitting a bigger cortical surface territory, and more noteworthy psychological capacity, to exist in the bounds of a littler skull. The human cerebrum experiences gyrification amid fetal and neonatal improvement. In embryonic development, every single mammalian cerebrum start as smooth structures gotten from the neural tube. A cerebral cortex without surface convolutions is lissencephalic, signifying ‘smooth-brained.’ As improvement proceeds with, gyri and sulci start to come to fruition on the fetal cerebrum, with extending spaces and edges creating on the surface of the cortex. Changes in the structure of gyri in the cerebral cortex are related to different sicknesses and clusters. Pachygyria, lissencephaly, and polymicrogyria are every one of the consequences of strange cell relocation related with a disordered cell engineering, inability to frame six layers of cortical neurons (a four-layer cortex is normal), and practical issues. The irregular development typically connected with epilepsy and mental dysfunctions.


Sulci are the grooves or furrows present on the surface of the brain and help to perform different tasks, they exist between the convolutions of the brain and has different origins. Sulci are one of three sections of the cerebral cortex, the others being the gyri and the crevices. The three unique parts make a bigger surface region for the human mind and other mammalian brains. When taking a gander at the human spirit, 66% of the surface are covered up in the furrows. The sulci and crevices are both notches in the cortex yet they are separated by size. A sulcus is a shallower groove that encompasses a gyrus. A gap is a substantial wrinkle that partitions the cerebrum into projections, and furthermore into the two halves of the globe as the average longitudinal crevice does. However, this qualification is not clear. For instance, the sidelong sulcus is otherwise called the parallel crack or the Sylvian gap, and the focal sulcus is otherwise called the center gap or the Rolandic gap. The collapsing made by the sulci and gyri expands the surface territory of the cortex, which means a more noteworthy measure of the cerebral cortex can fit inside the volume of the skull. Hence, the capacity of the sulci is to expand the measure of cortical neurons and along these lines increment ‘handling power.’ As the surface territory of the cerebrum builds more capacities are made conceivable.

Key Differences

  • Gryi is the folds or hard surfaces present on the surface of the brain and has two clefts on the cerebral. On the other hand, Sulci are the grooves or furrows present on the surface of the brain and help to perform different tasks.
  • These gyri and sulci contribute to building the surface territory of the cerebral cortex. This action enables more neurons to be pressed into the cortex and builds the mind’s capacity to process data.
  • Gyri and sulci additionally frame cerebrum divisions by making limits between the projections of the mind and separating the cerebrum into two halves of the globe.
  • Some of the original examples of sulci become superior frontal and inferior frontal sulci, central sulcus, superior and inferior temporal sulci, and others. On the other hand, few examples of gyri become superior, middle and inferior frontal gyri, precentral and postcentral gyri, superior and middle temporal gyri.
  • Gyri get placed on the outer surface and help to protect the sulci, on the other hand, the latter one does not protect anything and has their location between the gyri.
  • Collapsible cerebral cortex creates these edges and furrows which serve to separate brain areas and increase mental ability through gyri and sulci.

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