Difference between City and Town

By Jaxson

Main Difference

A country is a big piece of land. Therefore, it gets important to divide it into smaller parts so that people manage it properly and the government can provide all the facilities to the people without any problem. While we can talk about the divisions in detail, this article looks at the two most common places in the form of city and town that are related somehow. The city can be defined as a place most developed in a particular country and has all the facilities while a town has the definition of an area which is developed enough with all the essential facilities.

Comparison Chart

Basis of Distinction City Town
Definition A city is a relatively large and permanent settlement. A town is a relatively small and permanent settlement.
Size Larger than a town but less than a district. Greater than a village, but smaller than a city.
Opportunities More jobs and education facilities. Enough jobs and education facilities.
Formation Cities will always have downtowns and a mayor. Towns will often have town halls and a mayor.
Example London Milton Keynes



A city is a place where people live in a civilized manner. It is a place which is bigger than a town and more developed that any part of the surroundings. That is the reason they are also known as a metropolitan area. All the development that takes place is visible. People usually migrate from other less developed areas to the cities to have a better future and getting more opportunities in all fields of life. It is very easy to figure out what a city is because when you see tall buildings and developed areas where rich people drive their cars, you will know what a city is. The main headquarters of companies and other places also exist in this location. Some of the cities in the world are bigger than some other countries around the world. The best example of this is New York City, a place that has more population than the Vatican City. The most famous cities in the world include the one mentioned above along with London, Paris, Milan, Barcelona and much more. It has better health qualities as compared to other places and has more hospitals so people can quickly get checked up without having to worry about anything. The city consists of people that have moved away from agriculture and focus on more industrial pursuits along with better health and living facilities. There are some disadvantages of living in such a place as well since a larger number of gathering always exists, so people can easily suffer from noise pollution. There is also smog and other harmful stuff going on which can cause danger. In a more elaborative term, the city is bigger than a village but smaller than a county or province and has more population than the first one and less than a district or region itself.


A town is a place falls somewhere between a city and a village. It develops in such a way that it cannot be termed as a village since people will have all the necessary facilities provided to them. There will be shops, bars, hospital, town center and good education institutes. At the same time, they will be lagging in some other areas when we talk about cities; there will be less population. People will have fewer opportunities to hang out with others and won’t find many good quality places to spend their time. In the developed countries it is made sure that the difference remains as less as possible but most of the times in areas that lag in providing such facilities the difference gets vast. Things like a town center and town hall will be the places which will have more people visiting; there will be nightlife but not too late, people would go back to their homes and spend their night instead of staying out late since most of the shops, bars, and other places close early. Town consists of people that have moved away from agriculture and focus on more industrial pursuits. Individuals who cannot afford to live in bigger places will find affordable homes with all the main facilities provided to them. The best example of a town is Middlesbrough, which is a place near Newcastle City in the United Kingdom and has its university along with all the main facilities provided which do not cost people that much. It is still smaller than a city. Overall, though, for a town to come anywhere close to a city, several mega-developments have to be made, and different criteria have some merit.

Key Differences

  • A city is a relatively large and permanent settlement whereas A town is a relatively small and permanent settlement.
  • A city is bigger than a town and village but smaller than a province and district whereas a town is smaller than a city but larger than a village.
  • There are tall buildings and more traffic in a city whereas there are less traffic and few tall buildings in a town.
  • The life is peaceful when you live in a town where as it is haphazard when you are spending your life in a city.
  • There are more health care facilities in a city whereas all the main health care services provided at one place in a town.
  • People can stay out for a long time when it comes to cities whereas life ends rather quickly at the endo of the day during the week.
  • Town consists of people that have moved away from agriculture and focus on more industrial pursuits. The city consists of people that have moved away from farming and focus on more industrial pursuits along with better health and living facilities.

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