Difference between Senpai and Sempai

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The integration of one language to the other has brought several changes in the words that were originally less complicated for people. There are certain words in the Japanese language which have been integrated into the English language, and therefore confusions have arisen on the way they could be spelled. The only difference between Sempai and Senpai is that the first one is used mostly by people who belong to western countries while the other one is used by individuals who are actually from Japan since there is no translation available for the alphabets ‘n’ and ‘m’ in Romaji.

Comparison Chart

Basis of Distinction Senpai Sempai
Origin Has been originated from the old Japanese language and the exact date is not known. Has been originated from the English language in the 1960’s.
Contradiction There is no translation for the alphabet ‘m’ in Japanese from English. There is no translation for the alphabet ‘n’ in English from Japanese.
Usage Used for people who are elder than someone and deserve more respect. Where people want to interact with someone they think is superior to them.
Audience Used by people who speak the Japanese language. Individuals who use the internet.
Category Traditional Japanese Urban
Example “I have to admit this senpai… You put a lot of effort in the work you do.” “Well let’s hope that sempai will talk to me this time around!”


There are always some words which shift from one language from the other and evolves over a period of time to get mixed with the new style. Same is the case with this term Senpai which is originally from the Japanese language but has been integrated into the English language and has become quite popular especially for the people who use the internet. It is utilized in a variety of ways, but the most common meaning is that this word refers to anyone whom you want to call or talk. It is basically used to gain the attention of anyone and that can include people you want to know, or want to be friends with or even the ones you are romantically associated with. This term will be mostly familiar to individuals who are interested in the popular Manga or Anime, and it is from that, they have become famous for people around the world. It is the use of the internet that the word has its other meaning, it is known for people who want to act cool and therefore is considered an upper-class term. It is usually used for a person who will never notice you or give you importance. Such a person can be referred to as a Senpai. In the traditional sense, the word is used to refer to someone who is older than you. This does not have to be just by age, but anyone you want to respect, or have been your inspiration or just your professor at the college. Broader meanings of this word show that it is still trying to integrate itself in the modern ways.


The first origin of this word being used in the English language are found back in the 1960’s, and that is when the spelling of other words also started to change. The difference between American and British English has brought the changes, but the other language integration has also had its effect. Therefore, the main difference between this word Sempai and Senpai is actually the translation from the Japanese to the English language. There is actually no way to translate the alphabet ‘m’ from these languages. The basic conversation of these are known as Romaji, and at least for now, there are no adequate ways to make the translations happen. The confusions have arisen because of the people who use the internet more often. In the system of writing which is followed in Japanese, the letter ‘n’ in English is usually just spoken like ‘m,’ and there is no difference between them, because of that, not only this word but many other one’s results in confusions among people. The fact that many individuals who are native English speakers want to use words from other languages has on one side increased the vocabulary of characters but on the other hand, confused them on how to actually use them properly. The word has the same meaning and is used by junior students to refer to their senior students or even their teachers. It might take some time before the westerns will be able to accurately find solutions for these language barriers but it will eventually happen.

Key Differences

  • The word Senpai has been originated from the old Japanese language while the word Sempai has been originated from the English language users who have integrated it.
  • The difference between the words Senpai and Sempai becomes an issue because there is no translation for the alphabet ‘m’ in Japanese.
  • Senpai is used for people who are elder than someone and deserve more respect while the primary use of Sempai is where people want to interact with someone they think is superior to them.
  • Senpai is mostly used by people who speak the Japanese language or have some idea about it while the primary audience who use the word Sempai are the individuals who use the internet.
  • Senpai is a Japanese language word while Sempai is an urban language word.
  • The best use of Sempai will be “Well let’s hope that sempai will talk to me this time around!” while the best use of Senpai is “I have to admit this senpai… you put a lot of effort in the work you do.”

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